it's all going to be about software in the end, i just hope all games would work on both headset and no one tries a console like exlusive crap, because it will be so frustrating to have a killer VR app that you cannot use because you bought the wrong HMD
Unfortunately it looks as if this is already happening as all I see popping up all over are the words "Oculus Exclusive".
I can see VR dying a death even before it's 1st birthday at this rate. Why oh Why cant they get the whole concept of VR off the ground first before going on these crazy exclusive crusades. It's one of the things I hated about consoles and why I stopped buying them after the last generation.
Get VR off the ground as a household product for a few years, let it build then you can go **** it up with exclusives....well actually NO don't do that. Be sensible and allow ALL VR games on ALL VR products.
Why does corporate greed have to screw everything up.......