OCZ Agilty 3 BSOD's + Firmware news

20 May 2006
Linux iso

See link in post 198 under download the following ISO image

unzip & burn image to CD as iso. {Windows disc image burner works just fine}When booted to gives you a Parted Magic linux graphical interface that will allow easy firmware update of a boot drive with OS on; no data loss but backup just i case:eek:. Will also Secure Erase a drive prior to reinstalling OS. Format alone not advised.
OCZ Tools [2.37 is latest]
will not work with boot drive.

I have flashed to 2.08 this lunchtime. Very easy:D no use of Terminal required.

A new firmware is due within next 7 days to resolve cold boot & BSOD issues. (hopefully)
It is recommended by OCZ that for both ICH9R & 10R(Sandybridge?) chipsets plus AMD mobo's use MS AHCI drivers & NOT intel or AMD ones.

If you don't have issues best do nothing;)
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