Odd - wonder why L4D is installed on my PC

No and no. I've never been interested in L4D, so wouldnt have installed a free trial or anything either. Wonder if I can unlock it for free.. :p.
Was there a free weekend at some point? I seem to remember Steam sometimes auto-installs stuff.
Don't think it does auto install stuff!?! I know it will appear in the "My Games" list if its available for you to download - but it definatly wont/shouldnt install without your consent.
migth be a setting in steam to auto update, and a free weekend deal has done it for you.

Anyway you should be interested in L4D its great imo
TeenGirl is in games Zoey files and yes valve did have a Free weekend some months ago, im guessing you installed it then and it's remained on your computer.
Im more interested in the Tree Mapping software to generate the image of the drive. Never used any before.

Handy for finding stuff you maybe forgot you had.
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