oddworld abes oddysee free on steam for 24 hrs

I wasnt a fun of new and tasty for some reason, the mechanics just didnt feel right, it felt a bit cumbersome compared to the original.
I don't even fancy this for free :p

free games on your steam library to add to the list of games you've not played :D

I finally played and completed both portals terrible to admit i'd never done it before and thoroughly enjoyed it.

can't say the same for mirrors edge though but I am slowly going through them.
Have I missed this by 10 minutes? I can see that it now costs £0.49 for the game with no option to claim for free, with the offer expiring in 23:50

How annoying!
Im sure you can afford 49p :p

You'd think wouldn't you? But someone forgot to top their wallet up.


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