Offering on a flat without viewing it?

18 Oct 2002
, Washington DC
Hi all...

I'm considering offering on a flat to rent that I've seen on Right Move's website as it's exactly what we've been looking for for uni next year and from the pictures etc. it's absolutely spot on both for size and the location is beyond a pale.

Normally I'd want to see it first but I know for a fact properties in this area have been going extremely quickly and the soonest I could get over to see it would be next Monday (16th) and I'm not sure it'd still be around by then and it would also mean burning £100 on a flight that could be used towards a deposit.

Have people done this in the past? If so, any advice for avoiding huge problems?

Anything in particular I should be asking when I ring the estate agent?

Also, to get the property will I have to pay the full deposit over the phone or can I agree it and then pay in the next few days?

Moredhel said:
I'd always view a flat before making an offer. I viewed one flat that looked perfect on paper, but when I went there it stank of damp, the landlord didn't even seem to notice it, when I asked about it he said, "what smell? The other tenants haven't complained."

It's a brand new development so I'd like to think that wouldn't be an issue.
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