****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

17 Jun 2009




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Possibly mate.

Need to do something as BC2 has decimated our clan. We still have our 32 slot vanilla which is peaking at about 12 a night. I also set up a Squad Deathmatch server which occasionally got busy. I even flipped it back to 16 slot BF2 to see if peeps wanted to try it again but everyone has gone far too past BF2 now or just drifted away as they don't like BC2. :(

Gone from 33 regular players on BF2 to about 15 who play BC2, most of them occasionally. Down to about 5-7 regular players.

BC2 = not a clan game.

Not sure if MOH will resurrect things, I suspect not as everyone is waiting for BF3.

I got 4 with it on pre-order so might drum up enough interest to get a server which will be at the expense of a few slots on the BC2 server.

Same happend to us mate, we had around 25 on vent and all 4 of our servers full. However BC2 seemed to kill clans. Luckily we have a core of 10 - 15 guys who play what ever the other is playing.

However our BC2 section has gone nuts again, after playing it at i-series every1 got back into it and is happy playing it.

Just have to wait and see what happened... i just cant see any FPS games coming out that will be as good as CSS, BF2, CoD4 etc... the only one i'm pinning my hopes on are BF3! If that doesn't pull it off then i cant see how FPS pc gaming will ever pick up again!

You guys are always welcome to join us if things dont pick up mate!
the goon your clan going to be playing this ?
as I really want to join a clan a well knowing one like yours would be very good.

Yeah we defo going to be playing it mate, dont know for how long mind you. Depends on if there are any active leagues going. But yeah your welcome to trial with us...

We are 18+ tho, if your younger then give me a shout on steam: thegoon84.

I think the Goats (S18) are going to be playing as a main game?

One of my clan mates has posted on our forums he has been playing it all morning. He does not use Steam and is not on MSN I need to know how the hell he has managed it!

If your server up yet Pap?
I'm really supprise at the comments.

I think the game is great... altho i dont look how pretty and full of content it is, i just look at how good the reg and the feel of the gun is.... and to me its an absolute winner!

I hope they put this in BF3 mixed with BC2 and sprinkled BF2 on top = Instant winner:


Remember to post up in this thread and the OCUK GAME SERVER LIST your servers and clan details. It has to have a referrence to OCUK on there so members can search and find it, other wise we'll be left wide open for every tom dick or harry to pimp their server.
As opposed to sticking ocuk on yours to pimp it!

So other owners have to jump through hoops for you just because you have the OP and a sticky on a public forum in no way affiliated with your clan

Hmmmmmm :confused:

End of the day all our servers have references in the info page of the server saying: "Server provided for the TFU clan and the OCUK community"

Jump thro hoops.... i fail to see how that huge statement actually is in portion... Personally i would have thought it was fair to stick an OCUK name on the server so members here can find it?

Tell you what i'l message a DON and see what they want to do.
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Oh noes a DON!
End of day there is officially nothing official about your use of ocuk on any of your servers

Most sensible thing to do would be to work together on 1 post or thread of people who have servers here and put them all in one place. That way this community can see all servers available to them.

Or should the rest of us start an "Important: officially unofficial ocuk servers thread"?

Why make it sound like that? …. I’m just asking what a Don would prefer as I have no say on what’s acceptable or not.

Yeah that sounds great to work together, perhaps instead of just posting up every1 server, instead work on a number of post basis, i.e must have over 250 posts that shows the person is active in OCUK and will give preference to OCUK’ers? I think that would be a far more fair way?

What you think
Sounds much better, that way everything can be together and no one needs a list of abbreviations after their server names

I do see what you were trying to do to stop just anyone posting servers but many people have servers for older games which people still enjoy, it makes no sense to put ocuk in these just because, they could lose regulars from elsewhere due to the renaming

Your sticked post could be a great place to find servers and arrange matches for any games past or present

Great stuff cheers man, we'll do that then unless the mod's doesnt agree.

250+ posts to have a server advertised on OCUK server threads ;)

Let me know what you need, prob best to trust it do me as i have a feeling this thread is gona get rather big!

supprised how nobody has asked for their server to be put up tho, prehaps it was because of the server name abbreviations, i've changed that now.
This is a very very basic game, it seems DICE stripped away everything pretty + destruction 2.0 and put all their efforts in to the hit reg!!

And to me it works....

My only concern is people will stop playing PC and move to consoles while they wait for Bf3!
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