*** Offical Monopoly City Streets Thread ***

Gonna take a while for that house to pay for itself then :p

It's pretty ridiculous - at first I liked the idea of there being no $1m road cap but now I see it's just stupid. For instance, I have enough money to build 400 50k houses on that road, which, if unhazarded and I actually have time to build them all will net me $563m rent tonight. And then what? Once I have the 5 most expensive roads I can find filled to the brim (which theoretically I'll be able to do tomorrow) there's not much to do unless I want to get taxed :/. Game comes to an end very quickly.

And with the amount of cheaters constantly creating new accounts to attack with it kind of makes the whole thing really pointless and frustrating.
Yup, I'm jacking it in. No real point to playing now - you can't control an area due to tax and I just can't be bothered if they keep changing the rules *during* gameplay. If anyone wants to buy one of my roads let me know, although there's no real need as there's more than enough to go round!
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