Rain should be hitting fairly soon.Just realised we're only just half way through, this better liven up a bit - spoiled by the first 12 laps!
Rain should be hitting fairly soon.Just realised we're only just half way through, this better liven up a bit - spoiled by the first 12 laps!
That's for the full wet's obviously.I don't have a copy of the 2023 regulations here, but it sounds right.
I have the Sky feed on, incase Chinese TV cut to an advert. They sometimes do it halfway through.
Sky talking like there's a big mystery surrounding Red Bull pitting Verstappen before Perez... I know they want to pretend like there's drama, but it's pretty simple.
He was channeling Hakkinen earlier. Crying in the grass. I'd rather he stayed in that deck chair, than got back into the Williams seat.Is Sargeant trying to gain the spirit of Alonso in that deckchair?
And yet, still have the 10th best strategists.At the very start of the regs Ferrari arguably had the best car, season and a half later you could easily argue they have the 5th best car! That is shocking development for a team of their resources.