**- Official Asus P5K Thread -**

27 Sep 2004
P5K Deluxe


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*work in progress*

I will be mainly focusing on the P5K Deluxe and the P5K3 Deluxe, these are the boards that are going to sell the most, have the larger user base and are more widely available, i will however add P5K and P5K-E info if requested.

P5K Deluxe


Version 0311
P5K Deluxe Release BIOS 0311
Support new CPUs. Please refer to our website at: http://support.asus.com.tw/cpusupport/cpusupport.aspx

New BIOS is much better than the one supplied with the board, memory command rate is now supported (T1 or T2), though it is hard to boot with T1 with tuned settings.

Memory divider bug has been removed, all dividers are now functional and as stable as each other.

Non functional memory sub menu has been fixed and can now be used to tune memory for compatibility or speed, speed resulting in a small boost in memory dependant apps.

Board now boots when voltage on FSB Termination and MCH voltage is increased, before the board would not boot or would become unstable.
Voltage regulation has become more stable and auto options set voltage slightly higher than stock bios auto voltage.

Cold restart problems have been solved, board no longer powers down on restart above certain FSB.

Cold CMOS clear function has been updated and no longer requires a cold start to clear a failed overclock.

POST hanging issue has been resolved, takes slightly longer to POST than original bios but no longer hangs if a setting is incorrect or a peripheral is not functioning correctly.

General overclock ability across the range of CPU's has been improved over stock bios, quads are seeing a slight improvement in max clock and max stable clock with dual core users seeing the same results but with smaller increases.

IRQ has been tweaked.


Version 0202
DELUXE Release BIOS 0202

First Release.

  1. The CPU Voltage Damper in the BIOS greatly reduces the terrible vdroop problem Asus are well known for, with an x3210, with 1.4 set in the BIOS under load i get 1.38-9
  2. High memory clocking like P5B Deluxe/Commando with upto 2.55 volts on the vdimm line
  3. High Kentsfield quad core FSB - 480-500FSB is expected from this board and very good clocking quad cores or QX chips
  4. Recovers well from bad overclocks, no need to take out battery as often
  5. Area around cpu is clear of intrusions for large coolers and phase.
  6. Stock auto performance is very good and is around the same speed in terms of memory bandwidth/super pi as a tweaked p965.
  7. Great clocks across the board on all cores, expect higher clocks on a cpu if you think it had some speed left in it, my old pentium D gained 200mhz extra from using this board.
  8. Board is great at stock and will overclock well if you keep the chipset cool, p35 does not generate much heat but it likes to be kept cool
  1. Lack of PS/2 mouse port - bad for kvm users and ps2 users (move on to usb tbh)
  2. No power/reset/clear cmos buttons
  3. Seems to suffer picky dividers see here
  4. Divider in picture above will not work no matter what ram used, voltage or any other setting even if the ram can go much higher than the value offered.
  5. Damm Heatpipes.....
P5K3 Deluxe


Version 0413P5K3 Deluxe Release BIOS 0413
Support new CPUs. Please refer to our website at: http://support.asus.com.tw/cpusupport/cpusupport.aspx


Version 0301
P5K3 DELUXE Release BIOS 0301

First Release.



Version 0414
P5K BIOS update file (version 0414)
Fix the issue when replace the battery, cpu trapping frequency will show 1333.
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Whooppii, mine's just been delivered by chronopost, a p5k deluxe wifi jobber, can't mess with it today as we've got a lan party going on this pm, but tomorrow my current P5N32-E sli will be going in hubbys box and I get to play with the spanky new beasty :)

turbotoes said:
Whooppii, mine's just been delivered by chronopost, a p5k deluxe wifi jobber, can't mess with it today as we've got a lan party going on this pm, but tomorrow my current P5N32-E sli will be going in hubbys box and I get to play with the spanky new beasty :)


I am thinking of getting this mobo - let us know how the build goes etc, and what you think of it.What are the other components you are going to use?

Got a standard P5K here. Only modding i've done is replace the southbridge cooler with a Zalman ZM-NB47J jobby. Was a very tight fight with the 8800GTX right up against it. Thought i'd got a stable overclock at 3.6ghz 1.575v:eek: last night with the memory at 1200Mhz 2.4v but failed dual prime blend after 8hrs 42mins:(. Rather concerned at the vcore upon reading what others use for their chips but seems to be a fair old vdroop involved. Can only play with my comp at weekends as i'm in hospital during the week. Will have another go tonight as my temps seem to be no worse than 56c full load. 3.5ghz ran at 1.525v for 3hrs earlier but still getting 54c full load despite the lower vcore. Memory chips not getting warm at all, though have an 80mm fan blowing on them. Thought they were supposed to get a bit toasty at those speeds. Must say i'm a bit confused at the moment with it all. Don't want to damage anything but want to get the max from my pc too:D.
Yeah, fair enough. Just sharing my experiences with my board as not much feedback being given so far. Will try get some pics and post in due course;)
well. so far all is good, just sorting out my xp install before I even think about trying to let it boot into vista. the lack of ps2 mouse suppoet is a bit of a pain, because of course until you get half the flippin drivers installed you don't got no mouse. Thank god I know the keyboard s/cs.
my board has the 123 bios which I think is the original beta bios so I suppose I had better flash it to the latest, I might run things in a a bit before I do, I've never had a problem flashing a bios (touch wood) but it always scares the crackers out me :p
the rest of the system is
3 gig of g-skill PK (Nice to see I can run it in dual channel, even though its odd sizes in each)
2 x160 gig maxtors sata non raid
pioneer dvd writer
sb audigy
dual boot of xp pro and vista home premium

will report back more

i post my OCing experience with my P5K Dlx, and do some more FSB investigation, when my Masters Dissertation is done and in..... so...... little under 24hrs? :eek: :(
Quote:Originally Posted by lay-z-boy
Its 2*1gb sticks with 2*512mb sticks.

Ah, that would explain it. Although, i didn't think G.Skill did 512MB modules in their PK model.


No, no this board does asyncronse ( can't spell it and in a rush) dual channel, I've got 2 x 1gig in one channel and 1 x 1 gig in the other. it runs the 1 gig of each channel in dual and the extra gig in single, blurry clever. It is explained in the manual.
So far I'm happy vista behaved fine when I let it boot (same install from my P5n32-e sli, though with all chipset drivers removed and Ide controllers set to vanilla) The only slight worry is it is showing temps as a bit higher than the 680i was under load, but I'll investigate that tomorrow pm, might be the imature bios that's installed, I guess I'll have to bite the bullet and flash to the latest.

Triple channel ram :confused:

That's new to me, i even had a 680i, even the nvidia wasn't that smart with the memory!

*edit* Just read the manual for the first time, blimey that is smart :D
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