Strange things happen when I change anything in the BIOS (well haven't tried everything) when i just turned of CPU Spread and then went "save settings and exit" the computer turns off completely, i.e no fans lights, then comes back on, but the monitor doesn't recieve any input.
So i press the off button and then turn it back on again and the computer boots ok, but gets to a point and says "Overclock failed.... press f1 to change settings or f2 to return to defaults" Any suggestions why only changing say CPU Spread would cause this?
And why did my monitor not recieve anything after the reboot?
Any suggestions will be appreciated
That's the normal sequence of events when an overclocking setting is pants.
First boot fails to post, second boot resets the bios and gives you the option to change the settings.
Can't say I'm too familiar with the CPU spread settings. Did you google it yet?