Official - claim your own OCuk member here!

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VeNT, I dispute your claim of me. You cannot claim the entire FAH team in one fell swoop. You must name us each individually.

For glaring and shameless acts of n00bishness I herby claim thee, VeNT.

I shall allow you dusting privileges at my expansive FAH farm^H^H^H^Hplantation.
BillytheImpaler said:
VeNT, I dispute your claim of me. You cannot claim the entire FAH team in one fell swoop. You must name us each individually.

For glaring and shameless acts of n00bishness I herby claim thee, VeNT.

I shall allow you dusting privileges at my expansive FAH farm^H^H^H^Hplantation.

Is there anything I can do to help master?

I'm very good at collecting pointy sticks.
Rilot said:
I claim egt & Exomnis. Gonna put them in a cage with some graphics cards and take bets with my friends on who will be left standing after 20 minutes.

Good idea, can I get offer a fiver on egt as I reckon Exsomnis will get distracted by a new ATI release at a critical moment.
This thread has grown fast... and I was even claimed on the first page...

Reminds me of the last time I was claimed. Cruel years in the searing heat of Vietnam.

I'll spare the details, but lets just say the guy that claimed me ended up buried upside down, smelling of alligator urine...

Yep, those were long years...
Kell_ee001 said:
I've decided I want Penski too :D

Once claimed I can make him help me gets sweeties out of the machine :D

Well, my guys have really good moves in Tekken tag, how about we have a showdown? Penski has an awesome slam attack and Otacon has the stunning ass show move. PHEAR ME.
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