*** Official DCS World Thread ***

Cheers guys.... I will have a read into what maps based on your suggestions.

How much I get will depend on the sale if there is one this black friday..

Got £100 quid to spend initially. Probably a drop in the ocean hahahah
If you have not bought anything for DCS on steam yet might be worth thinking about going for standalone version as there are normally more sales on DCS website itself
Yeah ive seen that the direct website has a sale on atm buts its not a great deal off rrp.
Good suggestion about buying direct from dcs it will depend who has a better sale first ... steam or dcs direct.
Bought a 11.6 inch monitor for the A10c MFD displays.
Nice and compact nothing fancy but very functional :D
Yeah ive seen that the direct website has a sale on atm buts its not a great deal off rrp.
Good suggestion about buying direct from dcs it will depend who has a better sale first ... steam or dcs direct.
Steam used to have much better sales than ED for dcs. I got the huey for about 6 quid a few years ago. I think now they are on par but the sales normally overlap so you can just wait it out and see which one is best.
Im absolutely loving learning the F14B in VR so much that I havent actually used it for combat since I got it at the last sale - admittedly only a month or so ago. Ive pretty much followed a kind of modular learning - take-off/landing and navigation in caucuses, night missions/refuelling in Nevada and carrier ops in the gulf. Off to Normandy for combat training last then ill probably be an idiot and get Syria for the actual war. Must admit, with VR this is pretty much that game I dreamed about as a kid.
Im absolutely loving learning the F14B in VR so much that I havent actually used it for combat since I got it at the last sale - admittedly only a month or so ago. Ive pretty much followed a kind of modular learning - take-off/landing and navigation in caucuses, night missions/refuelling in Nevada and carrier ops in the gulf. Off to Normandy for combat training last then ill probably be an idiot and get Syria for the actual war. Must admit, with VR this is pretty much that game I dreamed about as a kid.

IMO, that's absolutely the way to learn a new aircraft, i.e. just how a real pilot would do it. If you can't land it or navigate, you're no use in combat, so get the basics right first.
Steam sale is live now.

I'm getting an f16 with gluf and Nevada maps
Unsure whether to get fc3. I dont think I'm going to live the low fed aircraft.
I want to play in vr so would like to flick switches instead of remembering weird key combinations..

However moded aircraft may appeal to me and fc3 seems to be a requirement for that.

Only aircraft I'd like from fc3 is maybe the a10 but I may opt for the full fed one if it's ever on sale so I'm wrangling with that decision..
Well I've got the f16 and I'll be satisfied with that this year.

Maybe I will get another one in summer.

Now just have to get a decent hotas.

I cant map much to my ff2 joystick
Finally got my thrustmaster warthog throttle and joystick.
However in manufacturing I think one of the technicians must have torqued the top left screw on the throttle body too much cracking the labels plate.

Extremely disappointed and I'm going to have to return it and I have no idea how long it's going to be till I get a replacement as its showing out of stock and other sites dont have it either.
It's worth going to have a good read around things if you're dropping flares.

The basics are:
- The 120 is a Fox 3, radar guided missile. This means that the aircraft radar normally provides guidance to the missile until 10 seconds before the missile is due to hit the target, at which point the missile goes "pitbull" and turns on it's own radar to track the target
- As the missile is radar guided, flares will have no effect. You should/could be using chaff. Don't drop 1 though. A stick of 10 in a sequence is typically more effective
- The 120, like any A2A missile is fired using it's internal rocket motor. Be aware that they only burn for a few seconds, which accelerates the missile to mach 3 for the 120. Post that burn, the missile is "coasting", and therefore decelerating. You can burn off the energy of the missile (i.e. it's speed) by making the missile make changes to it's course
- Be aware of the range of missiles. The 120 is "approx" 20 miles. However, if you're chasing a target, it's far less and if the target is coming directly towards you, clearly that increases. If firing a missile, being high and fast helps. The other way around, if you're at low level as the target, air density increases, which adds drag and slows missiles even more
- A2A missiles typically try to plot an "intercept" course for their target. As such, they'll be trying to fly to a point in front of your aircraft
- Good defensive tactics includes "notching" (worth looking that up). In rough terms, if you're flying towards the enemy, turn left, meaning that the missile will turn in that direction, then make a hard 180 degree turn. Chances are that the missile won't have the energy to come after you. Notching doesn't need to be just in the horizontal plane. IMO, it's also good to use the vertical plane aswell.
- Radar guided missiles are dependant upon the radar being able to see you. If you're low level, you can use cover (hills) to hide behind, which will break a radar lock
- The F14, F15, F16 and F18 all have bother Range Whilst Scan and Track Whilst Scan mode. In Range Whilst Scan, when a missile is launched, your radar warning receiver will let you know. However, if a player is feeling more sneaky (and good ones will), they'll use TWS. For that mode, you do NOT get a warning when the missile is launched. Instead, you'll get an RWR warning when the missile goes "pitbull", meaning that you've got just 10 seconds to evade. Unsurprisingly, it's a LOT more dangerous.

Once you think that you understand the above, go set yourself up a mission using the editor such that you can keep practising being shot at evading missiles
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