*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

SC2 is a clear improvement in your play style. (Not general play but rather what you're doing unless you play a huge variety of builds, hence a bad player like me can get masters)

CS:GO until the top games can pretty much just be won by outright better aim with half decent positioning.

Dota games take in a huge variety of things right from the bottom level of a game, how every lane does can cause one person to nearly snowball out of control, how much vision you're given, items built, farm allowed, picks and an endless list of other things that you depend on other people.

Then if you decide to go individual performance you can play super safe carry and do nothing with AM for example and farm jungle and lanes without helping your team and put you in danger (albeit that'll win you a game most times until you face a half decent team.)

Anyways, it'll put bad players low, really good players high, and a bit of a cluster**** in the middle of people whining and complaining about them being too low, or alright players thinking they're class. Will be interesting if DotaBuff can display everyones actual MMR despite it only being for friends.

At least it isn't as bad as HoN, that was funny.
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Brown and Orange always had a tough time. :D

I would like my own stats screen inside Dota like HoN had that no one else can access including DotaBuff. Be able to set parameters like WPM when playing certain heroes would be nice.
You should read the link, quite clearly states that it isn't purely based on win/loss. It's obviously very complex and difficult to get right, but I think it's a good addition overall.

I did (May have exageratted slightly). It is the primary criteria for adjusting someone's MMR, a few other relatively unexplained things in there effect fine adjustments of the MMR it would seem.
I think we do this sweep quite regularly in this thread, where everyone adds everyone. It's tough getting a regular five together, unless you're very close friends and always on at the same time... But I'd be more than happy to jump into games with you, or throw out invites when we have a spot. I'm about 200 hours in.
This is me.


Pretty much people on there all the time post 6PM and all day weekends, albeit the quality of the games can be low :p. Usually have 3-5 going each night though.
Alastair you are aware the games you and everyone else in this thread plays are vastly different to pro games. (in which they still buy Sblade btw.)

SNY isn't a great item but at least bloodseeker is someone who can utilise it somewhat effectively.
Is MMR based on previous games in your placement games or all brand new? I'm tanking for copper at this rate

facing 4.9k rating, what the **** valve, also putting me with a 4 when im solo
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Nah it can't start on 3000 mmr, I've played one team with anuraids and it was at 4093.

The quality difference in opponents and team mates is massive in each match =/
Its more so I don't enjoy playing the game in solo queue so I'd rather play with them than not play at all.

That wasn't your attitude when hating on Anuraj months ago ;p

Like 90% of the games are stomps at that tier though which gets annoying quick. Best games I have are solo queue or five stack
I also think Purdy knows best that playing with them doesn't always give you a easy win since he has a 33% winrate with anuraj :p

The game realises eventually and beats you down :p

What's my win with dhruvie

My 50 more wins than loss has tanked badly lol
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Top 5 UK is a person who thinks he is rather good, forget his name but was too socially inept to talk or had his friend on our team ghosting.
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