*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

Time for another break from dota.

After last nights joke game, I played tonight, pick first Lina and clearly say I'm playing carry. Other 4 all pick carries and then hissy fit when I won't support. We lost :rolleyes:

Next game Timbersaw dies in the first minute like a clown, goes full racist abuse mode on the vengeful, the kind of stuff that would make the KKK blush. He then spends all his gold on couriers and then purposefully feeds. We lost :rolleyes:

After a good few weeks of good games I have hit the muppets again, I'm out :p
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Yeah I'm staying well away from that :p

I did watch a bit of the game, the bloodstone pickup was a little questionable. A utility item like euls/force staff/blink/sheep stick would have helped you and your team a lot more.
Whatever happened to windranger as a support? Every idiot wants to play it as a carry these days and every time i play with or against it it loses. It's a crap carry FFS!

Such an awesome support though in the right setting.
Eh not really, much better in the offlane but shes just pretty bad overall atm, hopefully she gets some buffs next patch.
I think she's a great core. I don't think she's a good support.

Example. Team Secret vs VP Polar game just now she was a core on VP. Not one support item bought by her and VP won it.
Ok i'll rephrase, she's not a terrible carry, but there are others better that would fit the same setting, to me she doesn't ever feel worth the pick.

I've not played it in over 2 months but i used to play it support a lot, found it pretty rewarding (in a two support game anyway, she's not a good solo support....no big ult for starters)

EDIT: If you didn't need an aghs to get 0% damage reduction on the ult at level 16 then i'd probably change my mind EDITAGAIN: then again, i feel like there's something else missing from her that other carries have. a little bit of an edge that makes me go "ah crap not that one" when playing against it, never feel worried against a windranger at all as it is at the moment.
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She has to be played as a core right now as shes an awful support. But even as a core shes only good in mid where she can win the lane pretty easily but doesn't really do much after that.
was she considered a decent support 2 patches ago? I didn't see her get played carry until the most recent patches.
She hasn't really been a top tier support for as long as I've been playing Dota, she's ok but there are just better choices. I think her best position is offlane right now. I generally think she's a bit too jack of all trades at the moment though to be a regular pick for any position. Some teams occasionally pick her mid or off (Loda even played her carry earlier)
We was against a windranger in mid who got good farm early game against I think we had a ember mid.

Once she had items she was really really strong through mid/late game and it was quite tough.

Oh hah, I love that feeling when you have placed a really obscure group of mines as techies in the enemy jungle and then there is a random team-fight that takes place and all that time you spent stacking those mines is repayed <3.

Its like your own little mini game ^_^.
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Only hero I'm enjoying at the moment is invoker, don't get to play him much though.

And its becoming increasingly intolerable solo queuing.
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