*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

The other issue is different skill level.

I have dropped from just over 3k mmr to around 2300 because of solo ques. Ive tried playing with a few people from this very forum but as with the rest of the dota community people tend to not want to play with much lower/higher skill levels.
No way you can lose 3k mmr because of other people. If you are at a certain skill bracket and you can play with those "worse" it is easy to carry games solo. Don't get me wrong in not great, far from it :p but I went 2.3k to 2.9k just spamming Troll/Morph and even if the team was bad you can carry it.

I hit a wall at 2.9k so been back to non ranked until I improve and then again when I'm comfortable I'll go for a push up again.

I really like (though I missed the boat this international I think) how with each compendium they will allow "compendium ranked" (or whatever it is called) where if you get an mmr during that period higher than your own that will replace your normal mmr at the end of the period. Great idea as it gives you a chance to recalibrate if you believe, rigjtly or wrongly, that you are unfairly stuck in a trench.
The other issue is different skill level.

I have dropped from just over 3k mmr to around 2300 because of solo ques. Ive tried playing with a few people from this very forum but as with the rest of the dota community people tend to not want to play with much lower/higher skill levels.

Got a dotabuff link for your account?
I didnt know that

I have only been playing international ranked atm

It calibrated me at 2.6k im down to 2.3k already.

What really gets me is the lack of willingness to play as a team at this level. People jsut pick what they want to get a quest or something, If i play carry i get no support. If i play support the carry is rubbish. I hate playing mid as my awareness is not what it needs to be but i have been forced to play mid recently as i adopt a last picking policy in my attempts to get a good team composition.

most of my friends i play with are around 4.5-4k mmr and i can play at that level quite hapily on certain chars. They are off playing overwatch atm so solo que for me.



is my dotabuff
Was just checking your items in the last 10 ranked games. Doesn't seem so bad.

I'd probably swap the shadowblade on WD for a glimmer cape. Can still go invis during your ult but you can also save teammates etc with it.

The zeuz game, your AM appears to have been terrible. Although you only got like 56 last hits in 40+ minute game. This is pretty bad. Definitely get farming better and more efficiently.

I would say the other team mostly had stronger drafts and Timber is freaking OP. I would try and get him banned out during the ban phase.
I didnt know that

I have only been playing international ranked atm

It calibrated me at 2.6k im down to 2.3k already.

What really gets me is the lack of willingness to play as a team at this level. People jsut pick what they want to get a quest or something, If i play carry i get no support. If i play support the carry is rubbish. I hate playing mid as my awareness is not what it needs to be but i have been forced to play mid recently as i adopt a last picking policy in my attempts to get a good team composition.

most of my friends i play with are around 4.5-4k mmr and i can play at that level quite hapily on certain chars. They are off playing overwatch atm so solo que for me.



is my dotabuff

You will encounter this at all levels I'm afraid, it's just the nature of solo queue. People at higher MMRs will just have better mechanics and game sense. I've been as high as 3k and as low as 2.3k, now sitting at 2.8 and tbh that's where my skill is at. The only thing you can control in the game is how you play, so a good way of improving in dota is to analyse those situations which you feel are out of your control and understand how you could have influenced them. Focus on your own decisions rather than those around you - rubbish carry? Could I have pulled/stacked more efficiently? Pressured the offlaner more effectively? No support? Could I have farmed the jungle better, been more aware of rotations etc?

I'm certainly guilty of blaming other players and it only has a negative effect on my winrate. I've never BM'd someone and thought afterwards 'that kick up the arse was just what my team needed.' I just end up tilting and playing like ****. I CAN play at 4k, as I jumped on a friends account for a few games, doesn't mean I SHOULD be playing at 4k. 2k-3k is a tough ceiling to crack but if you take the time to analyse your replays and focus more on what you could do rather than what the team isn't doing you'll get there in the end :)
I would say the other team mostly had stronger drafts and Timber is freaking OP. I would try and get him banned out during the ban phase.

I played last night with 2 people who went Timber/Io lane combo. Holy **** it was a complete massacre, the Timber went something silly like 28/4/39 through the course of the game. By the end even the opposition team were complementing him rather than complaining every time he murddrrd them all :p
Yeah i meant my MMR was around 3k for both solo and team.

Solo down by about 800 and team by about 500.

Im happy with my skill level MMR wise im no pro im jsut fed up of it not being a game because one tool throws toys out of pram.

if everyone tries and we loose no problem but rarely is that the case. Every loss is because someone is being a tool for a multitude of reasons that are anti team related.
One thing that helped me massively wAs completing the all hero challenge as it helped me learn more about the abilities/use of characters I don't normally play so I'm better prepared to counter them when I come up against them and what to expect.

If you haven't completed it may be worth a run through for you. I'm about 25% through my second run but really CBA at the moment to play WW.

The one thing that is guaranteed to irritate me is early game feeding, yes you can recover from it but a large majority of the time early feeding (especially to a carry) just results in snowballing. Slightly slower gold gain is much preferable than insane gank attempts/risk taking for little gain. Maybe I'm just conservative but it infuriates me :p
while im not a pro and my skill level is such i do know all the heroes. I was a dota 1 player and some HON so im pretty confident with most.

Im just annoyed at the recent behaviour i guess.

My awareness of what is going on especially if im mid is not great. I tend to concentrate on my own game if im mid and not moving about as much as i should.
It really is them finer details that make or break it at higher levels. Positioning, denying, warding, ganking, rotations all stuff I'm still working on these days.
i guess its the roles i prefer to play. I'm fine with pretty much everything other than mid.

After that carry is prob my next biggest weakness. I like support/offlane/jungle/roamer.
I find mid easy to play, my one failing with mid is I sometimes get too comfortable farming and forget to gank, constantly have to remind myself about that.
I find mid easy to play, my one failing with mid is I sometimes get too comfortable farming and forget to gank, constantly have to remind myself about that.

Been there!

I'm really struggling to increase my MMR. I keep getting stuck with absolute idiots and while I'm getting 20-3 K/D they are getting 1-17 and we just lose. People picking support heros then buying no wards is the worst. I enjoy captains mode and have won about 80% when I'm captain. It drives me insane when get an idiot cap. Had one game where he picked 5 mid carry heroes then dced. I've ended up going for more support roles as no one else seems to bother. Can't stop people picking carry heroes then getting 0-7 in the first 5 mins though...
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Been there!

I'm really struggling to increase my MMR. I keep getting stuck with absolute idiots and while I'm getting 20-3 K/D they are getting 1-17 and we just lose. People picking support heros then buying no wards is the worst. I enjoy captains mode and have won about 80% when I'm captain. It drives me insane when get an idiot cap. Had one game where he picked 5 mid carry heroes then dced. I've ended up going for more support roles as no one else seems to bother. Can't stop people picking carry heroes then getting 0-7 in the first 5 mins though...

I know exactly what you mean. I'm only 1k but I've given up on ranked, impossible to get out. Dropped from 1.5k because there was never any teamplay.

Now I mainly try to find a 5 stack from either the London channel or Minimis (yea I watch baumi) so at least someone supports...

Would be nice to have a regular 5 but that's hard to find.

In other news I watched a few of the Wildcard games from TI last night and was enjoyable, looking forward to the group stages today.
I know exactly what you mean. I'm only 1k but I've given up on ranked, impossible to get out. Dropped from 1.5k because there was never any teamplay.

Now I mainly try to find a 5 stack from either the London channel or Minimis (yea I watch baumi) so at least someone supports...

Would be nice to have a regular 5 but that's hard to find.

In other news I watched a few of the Wildcard games from TI last night and was enjoyable, looking forward to the group stages today.

I've managed to crawl up to 1.6k now. Everytime I win a good game now though it's offset by being stuck with rubbish player the next time.

Yeh I watched the wildcard game last night too. Very enjoyable. Great Mirana play by a couple of the teams (my favourite hero currently). Escape Gaming were great to watch.
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