Official E3 Thread!

Reektan said:
Just read this about PS3 also.. pretty shocking :

"As it turns out, a little examining of Sony's announcement press release reveals the $499 model will lack support for Memory Sticks, SD and Compact Flash cards, no built-in Wi-Fi and will surprisingly have the HDMI output removed (necessary for achieving the much bragged about 1080p screen resolution)"

As I've said in the PS3 thread, it's a big mistake on Sonys part in my opinion, as it's going to confuse consumers even moreso. At least with the 360 you can actually upgrade it to the top spec, I don't see you being able to just buy a HDMI / WiFi / Flash reading device and slap it on, meaning a whole new console would have to be bought for say HDMI, though I guess USB WiFi will be available.
Chewy said:
What was the thinking behind a second HDMI port? I must have missed it all first time round.

It was to do with having 2x screens, so maybe 2 player stuff etc, or maybe a monster DS ripoff :p
I wonder if Microsoft conference will just be 360 or will they be showing dx10 aswell ie the Crysis game. ?

Anyway not long to go until Nintendo one then Microsoft later. :)
Is there any free sites to watch the conference. Gamespot is paid for and i bet IGN is too. Thing is any other site will be too slow probably :(

Might just pay for GameSpot
Steedie said:
Is there any free sites to watch the conference. Gamespot is paid for and i bet IGN is too. Thing is any other site will be too slow probably :(

Might just pay for GameSpot

Gamespot free but you have to pay for high res. :)
I'd imagine M$ is gonna be a bit different to sonys as they dont really have much new hardware to show off though I think we might see the HD DVD player & that 360 camera which are on the drawing board.

Quite interested in the HD player actually if (and a big if) the price is right, gotta be talking £100-£150 MAX

Couldnt give a monkeys about the camera.

Also should see a load of game footage (maybe even some real footage eh Sony ;)) Gears of War, Moto GP, Alan Wake etc and theres got to be some Halo trinket probably in the form of some FMV trailer.
bingham67 said:
Gamespot free but you have to pay for high res. :)

Don't bother... I subscribed basically for Hi-Res E3 footage and the connection is so congested that you can't stream at 300kbps smoothly (it keeps rebuffering every few seconds) and no chance of 700kbps. I was stuck watching 100kbps for Sony last night.
I was actually well impressed with the gamespot feed last night for a freebie the 300k connection worked spot on apart from that one bit where it chucked us all out!

It should be alright tonight as i'd have thought Sonys would be the most popular one.
Psycho Ned said:
I was actually well impressed with the gamespot feed last night for a freebie the 300k connection worked spot on apart from that one bit where it chucked us all out!

It should be alright tonight as i'd have thought Sonys would be the most popular one.

Ye the freebie connection on Gamespot fine if you can put up with a little box personally i have no problems with that. :)
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