*** Official Elder Scrolls MMO Thread ***

Latex what do you recommend

Imo :

Enable auto loot and download lootdrop. Means you can spam collect items from around the world without slowing down too much and you get a nice cool pop up to tell you what you looted.

ZAM unit frames, I feel this stays true to the devlopers ui vision, but also provides more information.

At the moment these are the only ones that I'll be using. I found the ui outside of these to be good enough to not want to change it.

If anyone wants a specific type of mod, I'll try and find it for you.
Massive yellow text or not, you've added a LOT of really helpful and informative information to this thread Latex, so thank you :)

One and a bit days to go!!

Thanks. I'll continue to support the thread post release. I'm going to ask the Mods to see if they can reset the thread so we can start fresh with a post launch clean up.

Once we sorted out all of the childish trolling, its great to see the thread becoming polite, productive and supportive.
I can't decide whether or not to try and get In to this:confused: I never really got into MMO's but as Ive got older i feel compelled to play.
Said I wouldn't buy this bit I seem to be getting caught up in some of the release hype.

Anyone done any dungeons in the beta? IM not a huge fan of PvP, is there plenty to do apart from that already apart from your standard questing?
I can't decide whether or not to try and get In to this:confused: I never really got into MMO's but as Ive got older i feel compelled to play.

Maybe wait until it goes cheaper, or see if a friend can let you play it?

Could watch a couple of live streams on twitch.tv or watch some of the youtube videos I've posted.

Don't drop the money because you feel compelled. Its a lot of money.

Anyone done any dungeons in the beta? IM not a huge fan of PvP, is there plenty to do apart from that already apart from your standard questing?

Here is a post about the "End Game" content they have in along with dungeons too:

Just added the addon loot drop thanks latex.
This mmo really does encourage exploration, im gonna make sure I explore ever nook and cranny and get 100% in each area. I wont progress through the game as quick as most people but im sure ill be rewarded very well for it.
Also am looking at crafting for the first time in an mmo it looks really fun to me. Ill be making awesome heavy armour and huge two handed swords:D
I just bought a cd key from Kinguin but after redeeming they key on the ESO website it says I only have 3 days early access! Is this a mistake, or have I purchased a dodgy version? I thought early access was 5 days?
I just bought a cd key from Kinguin but after redeeming they key on the ESO website it says I only have 3 days early access! Is this a mistake, or have I purchased a dodgy version? I thought early access was 5 days?

To get 5 days early access you either needed to have bought the Imperial Edition from a 3rd party site. Or any edition from the Official site.
Silly question here.

Just noticed my install folder has both eu/us (no idea how that happened) can i just delete the US folder? 60gb is quite a bit of space lol
Silly question here.

Just noticed my install folder has both eu/us (no idea how that happened) can i just delete the US folder? 60gb is quite a bit of space lol

I would say yes, but try moving it to a back up drive just in case the launcher decides to be stupid and redownload it.
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