-Calibrate your FOV. You need to know screen size and the distance you sit. Incorrect FOV is the main culprit for motion sickness in games.
-Turn off mouse acceleration
-Disable in game VSync (it gives an awful input lag)
-Turn of motion blur
When is the CK being released? The good mods don't come till we have that.
Yep then clamp the frame rates in software such as MSI Afterburner, 70FPS is a good number due to the Terminal frame rate issue
Yep then clamp the frame rates in software such as MSI Afterburner, 70FPS is a good number due to the Terminal frame rate issue
-Calibrate your FOV. You need to know screen size and the distance you sit. Incorrect FOV is the main culprit for motion sickness in games.
-Turn off mouse acceleration
-Disable in game VSync (it gives an awful input lag)
-Turn of motion blur
Have you tried playing it mainly using 3rd person view? it can be frustrating but that's another thing that's really helped me.
Ah, hadn't thought of that. I might give it a try.
The only irritation with 3rd person view is that you often shoot a wall when it looks like you're aiming in the right place the target is still in the middle, but your view of the character is off center. You might have to be a melee or shotgun hip fire connoisseur lol
I'll pretend I'm playing BFBC2 and using a UMP
I guess sticking to VATS for combat would work around that issue?
Yea that'd do the trick.
I use a combat shotgun + third person view whenever I'm around a ghoul infested area anyway and it works really well.......because I'm a jumpy wimp and they keep making me jump
I've found it's anything over 105fps that causes the lockpicking, terminal etc. issues. I cap mine at 100 to be safe, but haven't had a single issue or bizarre physics event since doing that.
Nope with me anything over 70 causes an issue, it happened within about 5 hours of play
Gave this one a shot and it looked OK. Definitely more realistic, but not a fan of the black bars.
Gave this one a shot and it looked OK. Definitely more realistic, but not a fan of the black bars.
However it lopped about 10fps off my framerate in the middle of the city so I've reverted back to Enhanced Wasteland which was one of the first to come out.
Gave this one a shot and it looked OK. Definitely more realistic, but not a fan of the black bars.
However it lopped about 10fps off my framerate in the middle of the city so I've reverted back to Enhanced Wasteland which was one of the first to come out.