*** Official FIFA 11 Thread ***

I love adebayor so much. I just owned some guy 6-1, scored my first goal in 1 minute. Trigger run pass from kick off, lob through ball, controlled, pow back of the net.
I've bought several of the 7.5k packs; best I've had is an 86 Neuer and a couple of conversion cards. If I'd have just kept the coins, I could have had Eto'o by now.

Speaking of packs.. Any news on HH? :p

Also does anyone watch Sam5000i's or MoodieSwede's Ultimate team series? They're both good players and I find them fun to watch. Here is Sam's recent episode: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12XNtDH46cM&feature=feedu

I need some decent vids to watch to pick up some tips on not being totally useless (and any on how to handle anti-Fifa wifes? :p)
You're looking at a ridiculous amount of coins for one of them, it's always cheaper to resell the player at CF and buy at ST unless it's a 100k+ player.

Hmm, basically I got an 85 rated Aguero in 4-4-2 for 13k, if I can pick up a CF>ST card for a reasonable price I should be able to make profit? (PS3 prices)
Looking at prices and after looking at him for a few days I think I can make my money back. Might just put him back on as CF though
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