Official Floorhorse thread

Do people realy find these pictures funny? Its just a rip off of all them ceiling cat pictures. Same jokes, different animal. Recycling may be good for the environment, but recycling old jokes just isn't funny IMO. Why can people not just come up with something original?
Wise marmot?

Floorhorse. Legendary..

I'm down at my nans tonight having some dinner with the family, my aunt, uncle and three cousins are up from London.

I'm chatting to Philippa aged 16 about lolcats etc, she mentions 'Ceiling cat' and then... FLOORHORSE

and she'd seen it on here through a friend :D , floorhorse is spreading people... be ready.
Someone needs to get the book released, like the lolcatz on has ben, i was stood in tesco today reading the lolcatz one.
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