******* Official Football Manager 2015 Thread *******

4 Sep 2008
Football Manager 2015, the latest in the award-winning and record-breaking series, is coming to PC, Macintosh and Linux computers in November 2014.

Football Manager is the most realistic, in-depth and immersive simulation of football management available, putting you in the hot-seat of almost any club in more than 50 countries across the world, including all of Europe’s biggest leagues.

Football Manager 2015 will allow you to live the life of a real football manager – you decide who plays and who sits on the bench, you're in total control of tactics, team-talks, substitutions and pitch-side instructions as you follow the match live with the acclaimed 3D match engine.

A whole host of new features will be announced from October 2014 onwards – keep an eye on www.footballmanager.com for updates.

Pre-order Football Manager 2015 now to enjoy access to a fully-playable ‘Beta’ version of the game roughly two weeks prior to the official release date.

Release date; November 2015.

Reserved for more information.

We are pleased to announce Football Manager 2015, the latest in the award-winning and record-breaking series, which will be released globally for PC, Macintosh and Linux computers in November 2014.

From today, the game is available to pre-order, both online and on the high street, and fans who do so will enjoy access to the game roughly two weeks before its official on-sale date.

In addition, those who register with our new free-to-join supporter’s club, InSIder, before the close of the English transfer window will be rewarded with an exclusive discount when they purchase the game from the SEGA store. For more details or to sign up, go to www.footballmanager.com.

Sports Interactive link.

Want to keep up with everything that's going on in the world of Football Manager?

Then the all-new SI INSIDER is for you. Sign up today and you'll get 10% off your copy of Football Manager 2015 from the SEGA Store AND early access to the Beta version.

Football Manager link.
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Really? Hope that's a typo. Last year, like most years, they started announcing the new features during August.

It is the official line :).

Information is almost non existent, I just hope that Sports Interactive really pull this out of the bag, it's a late release and late release of information.

Football Manager is one of the very rare 'instant pre order' games franchises I have. I guess I'll pre order on Steam over the next couple of weeks :).
Anyone else going to watch the Football Manager documentary?

I'm going to the one in Leicester tonight and Miles should be there! I'm super excited in the most possible nerdy way! I'm also going on my own because I was too afraid to ask anyone to go with me to see this haha.
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Amazing evening :D.

Turned out I was not alone, a friend was going so I had someone to sit with; fantastic documentary, very funny and actually 'gets' what Football Manager is and means to people.

Also; won a competition and I'm going to be in the game. I'm super happy :D.
If anyone gets towards the end of their first season and the re-gens come in to the game, they can always sign me ;).
As promised:

** Please resize image to no more than 1280px wide before replacing image tags - thanks **


Link to original: Link.

I enter the game with the first regens (towards the end of the first season), so you're all welcome to sign me :D.

Ps. I'm pretty sure my stats (PA) are totally random but I'm usually terrible :D.
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haha that's brilliant. How come you still using the beta version?

It's amazing! I've played Football Manager (Championship Manager) for years (97' I think was my first), and I've always dreamt of being an actual player (without editing myself in) and now it's come true! :).

Also; I'm not playing the Beta, that's the first screenshot I took when I first found myself. I've since come through at a few different clubs (Wigan, Barnsley, Doncaster) and friends have found me at a couple of different clubs too (Manchester City on one save apparently).

Go on reddit/fmscout/fmbase/sortitoutsi and tell people to post pictures of you :D

Haha, I will do at some point! I'm just snowed under with University work at the minute, roll on December 12th.
Amazing. How did you get in the game?

Unless you are actually a pro footballer.

Miles put me in, picked me at random! I'd love to be in each game as a regen! I'm not sure though.

You're a 202cm tall beast of a GK in my save too :D I might sign you...

I'm that height in real life too! (I think, I'm six foot six-eight ish). I'm probably better in real life than on Football Manager too :D and I'm rubbish in real life :p.
I wonder who edited my post with my picture in haha.

I can't wait until the 12th of December, free from all deadlines and can get back on Football Manager and will do some updates! :D.
Have many been successful with narrow formations or is it all about the wingers again?

It depends on what I have available and the situation the club is in.

I usually do not play with 'typical' wide men at all and haven't for a number of years.
Play on a new MacBook Pro Retina here.

Yes, of course the game is the same on PC as Mac :confused:, why on earth would it not be?

Plays fine :) depends a little on spec, but runs perfectly for me.
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