Okay so stumbled onto this site called Fuelly, basically its an online way to track your mpg, average spend per fill etc etc.
it also gives you little sig images to use like so.

(although this 2nd one is too big for these forums)

click the image to view details about the car & MPG.
i know some of you already keep spreadsheets etc of fill ups and MPG. i just thought it would be good if we could all start using this online way to keep track of our MPG.
also has a mobile site so you can upload your fill up details just after youve filled at the pumps.
it also gives you little sig images to use like so.

(although this 2nd one is too big for these forums)

click the image to view details about the car & MPG.
i know some of you already keep spreadsheets etc of fill ups and MPG. i just thought it would be good if we could all start using this online way to keep track of our MPG.
also has a mobile site so you can upload your fill up details just after youve filled at the pumps.