***Official GTAV PC Thread*** [Important warning updated in the OP]

I've been getting back into GTA recently and I'm definitely up for some heist action. I'm usually at my desk if not in game so add me on Steam (my id is slashbored) and drop me a shout if anyone fancies running a heist.
Well I guess all easy things come to an end....
R* have patched the Pacific Sandard final Kuruma glitch. So we can not now get in the apartment to get it.

Easyist way now I suppose is to suicide at the bike, then take the bikes the bottom route and do not fire a shot. Police will be less and they will not shoot back.

As they say git good at riding the bikes...

Bit disappointed with R* over this as low ranks will be kicked from finals but less helpful players.

Of all the things to patch they patch that... *sigh*
i play with mods lol. only played multiplayer once and got very boring. I just love cruising around single player as a cop in a cop car harassing ethnic minorities just like it is in real life :D
If you suicide after blowing the bikes, there is no reason at all to not come away with full money. As long as you do not fire a shot when respawning, your money man can stay on their bike and go's in front, hides near the tunnel so the cops can be killed there, then all is good.

I have been doing pac with randoms and mates and the only time it goes pear shaped is when people do not listen and Leeroy Jenkins the ride to the canyon...

The figures released by R* where quite impressive resulting in the highest number of players in GTAO in December since launch.
Cheers Blud and Vantom for the Pac Stan run the other night, been a while since I've played so the cash injection was much needed. At one point I was down to $623 or something silly!

I've still got my Pac Stan finale ready to go so if you chaps wanna run through that we can :)
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