i just got rolled for 3 lots of supplies for my coke MC business
i play solo so i only turn over 1 load of supplies at a time, as my supplies had run out i bought supplies ($75k) then tried to sell my stock... game froze,
only option was a restart, the game had taken my $75K but the supplies never turned up and there was no $75k listed in my transaction log,
so i bought a second lot and then sold my stock, once i had finished (2 boat runs) i got a msg that my supplies had arrived but i also got the 'transaction pending' bug and so those supplies never arrived,
so i had to buy a 3rd lot,

$225k spent due to bugs n crashes
this has been happening with the bunker as well,
but with the bunker you never get raided unless it's 50%+ full.. which mine never is, so i now buy stock, then back out and save the game before choosing to sell,
it's a bit more awkward doing that with the MC business's as solo players still get raided, so i like to stay logged out as much as possible