** Official Mayhems Development Log **

Quick, but maybe silly question. Does it matter which port you use on your mayhems rad as in or out flow? Reason I ask is that the flow direction would be different. I assume no difference?

Might be me or maybe the xspc photon res - it is difficult to get all the air out. With my previous rad it did not seem such a problem. I may be imagining things though - comparison is only relative and not scientific.


Nope it makes no difference but its all way better to have the out port at the highest point in you case. It is a little hard to get the air out of the rad but tipping it normally solves this issue. Dont forget there is triple chambers in the back of the rad unlike any other rad on the market.
Tbh it should be the same as a normal rad getting the air out of the triple chambers as the relative flow pattern is the same. We have the chamfer which aids in the air removal. We found it took us a extra few tips to get the air out but then again were pretty much experts at getting air out lol.
Quick Q, what is the shelf-life of the pastel? Officially and unofficially?

I've got a bottle of Pastel white that I never used, from 2011 I think. I'm coming up to giving the custom loop an overhaul. Am I too late to use the Pastel white? Its never been opened.

Officially : 2 to 3 years depending on how its been stored (approx 25c in a dark place)
Un officially : ive had it running now 5.5 years in a system with no issues (thats a running system)
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We have now got primed rads for sale and all so our Stainless steel rad grills. To show what they look like and what you can do here are some pics.



Yeh it does the rad above is just one we painted. You can paint the black ones but the ones above were primed before paining which is what we are selling.
Erm we had some one use self tappers and go straight threw the screw guard .... We sat there palm facing our self for a few hours.
We recommend you remove the plate all the time so that it creates a higher turbulent flow. You only lose 1c to 2c by removing the plate.
so its fine for 24/7 well some hours i do sleep. lol :D plus how long to leave in system before a clean out .

You you use a simple system Aurora can last upwards of 1 year plus but only if the system is built for it. If it is not, it wont last that long. There is no "it will last this long" as Aurora is unpredictable in its nature alone.
We always recommend 1 rad, 1 cpu block or gpu block, 1 pump and 1 tube res nothing more. Keeping it simple helps a lot. You know when you need to clean out due to the fact the aurora seems to disappear.
Mayhems Aurora is a fickle coolant, Its made for looks and looks alone, how ever if and only if you build you system around arouna you can get it to last a very long time. If your not prepared to go to these lengths then aurora wont last in the system. We did not make aurora for the normal user we made X1 and XT1 for them, Then pastel for modders and Aurora for show case PCs.
Erm i dont know youll have to ask them. I have nothing to do with sales and it would be up to OCUK / Caseking if they stock them. I can say our pre orders are going out quick to some resellers so we may have to do a second batch.
Google Mayhems. It should come up it you answer if you after one quick. Dont forget this is a Development Log meaning just that its the gear im working on for Mayhems and is a show case to show off some of it.
Sorry i don't think you understand. This forum is "not" a place for me to sell you some thing its a shop that is owned by "Overclockers.co.uk". It would be wrong and against the rules for me to post a link to my shop. Now if you cannot be botherd to simply google and look for you self then that i cannot help you any further.
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