Is this the training solo flight? I had trouble with this too. You take off, double back to position yourself over the runway and then while above the runway, turn and face the heading they want you to go. So when it says go 163 heading, you will fly on the radar heading in a 16 direction. If it's 220, head in the 22 direction and if it's something like 80, head in the 8 direction.
The dial I believe is on the bottom row in the middle, it has a plane and a bunch of numbers running around the edge. My first try I was aimlessly flying for double the time I needed and gave up, second attempt I was able to spot the place and head on to my final destination. It's much easier to see the actual golf course, you won't miss it. When you have set your stopwatch, fly in that direction for the duration it mentions (I think the first part is like 6 minutes?) and keep scanning out of your window.
I could have missed it again as I was a little off course but was able to spot the golf course and correct myself.
For trim, just hold the button a little each time in a direction and you'll level the plane, remember to trim gradually. I remapped my trim to up/down on the the little control on top of the stick (using same airbus stick as you). If you look down in the plane, the trim is a little wheel you see turning.
Can't help with camera movement as I use Tobii Eye Tracker, but keyboard for instruments might be the best option and use freelook (mouse) when you need to spot your location? You can also bring up a map with "v" I think it is, it'll only help on your approach to the new airstrip though.