**** Official Microsoft Flight Simulator Thread ****

@twoodster the CPU overall usage is largely irrelevant though if a single thread is hitting 100%... The rest of the CPU could be sitting relatively unused but you’ll still be limited by that one thread. If you’re interested then have a look at what all threads are actually doing, not just the average usage.

As above try enabling hardware GPU scheduling acceleration. It will move some load on to your GPU from the CPU... it’s a new windows feature in the latest update.

If you haven’t tweaked your ram and infinity fabric settings using something like DRAM calculator for ryzen then you are also leaving potentially quite a lot of performance on the table.

I did just update Windows and turned on GPU scheduling acceleration. Unfortunately still no difference to framerates though. No matter the settings I seem to be stuck on the same framerates :p Never had this with a game before.
After a bit more time spent in the game, I’m beginning to see where some of the frustration is coming from. Most of the GA aircraft are uncontrollable, slightest input gives you a bucking or twisting bronco even with sensitivity dialled down. I’ve crashed several times on takeoff already as you just cannot get stabilised enough to look away from the windscreen and activate the autopilot. The only aircraft I’ve had much success with is the Icon Microlight.
That's why after Alpha I'm not buying this game yet, will probably wait for first update and then jump on game pass, the only thing I can suggest is to check if game doesn't map axis as a button as someone mantioned you would get - or + nest to Y or X axis.
My controller wasnt detected Vkb Gladiator so I had to map everything manually, I was getting weird movement like previous posters had, I had to make sure the axis wasnt saying -x +x as I think this makes it work like a button. Once I mapped it without the -+ it works fine.

Knew there was a reason to not chuck out my TrackIR. Having last used it four years ago, I'm actually surprised at how much natural head movement adds when having to use a monitor.

Will forget it again as soon as the Reverb G2 is up and running.
My controller wasnt detected Vkb Gladiator so I had to map everything manually, I was getting weird movement like previous posters had, I had to make sure the axis wasnt saying -x +x as I think this makes it work like a button. Once I mapped it without the -+ it works fine.

Yep, that was exactly it. I missed the detail in my haste to try it before work.
Folks, is it me or does it take sometime for this game to load?
Is there a way to skip the logo splash screens?
Even loading a flight sometimes takes a min or so (listen to me complaining compared to the loading times of Spectrum and C64 days :D)

Yeah it takes about a fortnight to load.

And no not a found a way to skip it yet.
Maybe I'm not controlling the plane properly I tried a 747 or whatever it is and was struggling to get to 50k ft spending forever ascending at 250Knots and only way I could get near 500 was to descent so fast the plane crashed .

The maximum cruise altitude of the 747 won’t be much over 40,000ft, probably 43,000Ft or something like that. As you climb and the air gets thinner, the indicated airspeed (think of this as the air that the aircraft “feels”) will increasingly differ from the aircraft’s groundspeed (how much actual distance you’re travelling over time). Long story short, climb at 250kts indicated to 10,000ft, then 280kts until you see a Mach number of 0.78, then climb at that Mach number to whatever altitude you want. You’ll notice that at, for example, 38,000 ft, you’ll be flying at something like Mach 0.80 and the groundspeed will be something like 450kts (wind will affect this). So, whilst the airspeed indicator will be showing airspeed of something like 250kts, you’re actually covering 450 nautical miles every hour. Make sense?!
The maximum cruise altitude of the 747 won’t be much over 40,000ft, probably 43,000Ft or something like that. As you climb and the air gets thinner, the indicated airspeed (think of this as the air that the aircraft “feels”) will increasingly differ from the aircraft’s groundspeed (how much actual distance you’re travelling over time). Long story short, climb at 250kts indicated to 10,000ft, then 280kts until you see a Mach number of 0.78, then climb at that Mach number to whatever altitude you want. You’ll notice that at, for example, 38,000 ft, you’ll be flying at something like Mach 0.80 and the groundspeed will be something like 450kts (wind will affect this). So, whilst the airspeed indicator will be showing airspeed of something like 250kts, you’re actually covering 450 nautical miles every hour. Make sense?!

Yep, took me a while to figure this out as I'm new to flight sims. I was also wondering why I could only get to 250kts when I read the cruise speed of an a320 should be 450+kts. Only after nearly losing the will to live did I notice the true airspeed indicator and mach indicator!
For those that get crash to desktop randomly check your wireless devices. I think there is a bug where if they get disconnected or enter sleep mode it causes MSFS to freeze and subsequently CTD. Worth trying wired devices instead to see if that solves your problem.
Tried it briefly, did most of the training at the start and then went to a few cities, the terrain in the training honestly looks crap, not that impressive.

Cities were unplayable, 30fps at most, but they looked decent for what it was worth, not sure how they can explain 30fps on a 3900x and 2080Ti

This needs to be patched.
Tried it briefly, did most of the training at the start and then went to a few cities, the terrain in the training honestly looks crap, not that impressive.

Cities were unplayable, 30fps at most, but they looked decent for what it was worth, not sure how they can explain 30fps on a 3900x and 2080Ti

This needs to be patched.

To be fair, no flight sim gets much more than 60fps at best, let alone one just released. 30fps is perfectly playable for a simulator. I get the impression that a lot of people complaining about this game have never played one before.
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