Official Microsoft Press Conference Thread - 8PM

19:42.27 -
(That's Cliff Bleszinsky from Epic Games, by the way. He's the designer on Gears of War, a third person action title. That's what we're looking at now.)

19:41.10 -
It's CliffyB. "Don't act surprised to see me, you knew this was going to happen." We're going to see the first level.
19:44.47 -
Watching the cutter. "Get ready." Boom. They rush in, fanning out to different points, instructions shouted by your squad-mate. "Go left." Goes left, more close-zoom syrup-sploshing.

I feel like I'm commentating on a Bruckheimer horror film.

19:44.00 -
Chucking a grenade using a blue arc to gauge distance. More hanging bodies. The level of detail on the character model is fantastic. Oops, enemies cutting through door.

19:43.29 -
Leaps over block, shoots shotgun round corner. Bit of pausing now and then but generally very smooth. Very fierce, heavy metal gunplay.

19:42.55 -
Over the shoulder look as the two chars try to break out of military prison. Nice crash zoom on dead bodies as they kick down a door. The level of detail is amazing, with a huge rocket hitting a tower that tumbles down.

Fighting in the rubble, ducking out into a close over-shoulder views to take out enemies up on balconies. Blood gushing like syrup from wounds. Swapping between four weapons, close-combat evisceration.
19:46.32 -
We're outside. A chopper's above. "I see three!" The screen shakes as we run - the whole scene feels very oppressive. Very brown and grey with loads of rubble, tatty grass patches.

Fighting close up, chainsaw on underside of gun through enemy chest. Jack Thompson's going to love this.

Cliffy's playing it, by the way. He's down on the side looking quite intense
can we watch this at 8 or not :/

I'm going to be gutted if we cant, and if we can The_One would it be possible to stop posting updates once it begins as not to give any spoilers

If we cant watch it, please carry on :)
Am I missing something here? This picture says 1pm to me...

Pacific Daylight Time is 8 hours behind us on British Summer Time. So it won't be until 9pm? *is confused* :confused:
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