****Official rFactor 2 Thread****

Which is vital in a racing right? When its wet and raining in the track i expect splashes to affect the visbility of the car behind me

if you see my posts/videos before in this thread, rfactor 2 has done extremely well to make roads look realistic WITH wet track becoming dry without using DX11. With the spray coming of behind a car, i dont know how its made but iv seen dx9/dx10 do good "spray" effects. Include that with a good high detailed effect of spray on the wind screen will do just as good as dirt 3 did with DX11. For example GTR2 and race 07. There wet driving experience is pretty much spot on. I think rfactor 2 is taking the same approach.
Am looking forward to this game allot, am looking at buying a G27 at some point and getting into racing games. What's the community like with rfactor? Will they be welcoming of a noob that's after some clean racing, or mostly people who look down on new comers to the genre?

Get a g27 while OCUK has there 17.6% discount, they wont be bringing another G series wheel for a while or so iv heard. So i dont think they will go down in price. I bought mines for £210 from ocuk nearly a year ago now! Enjoyed it! well...first one failed, logitech kindly sent me a 2nd one for free.

I dont know much about the community of rfactor, i play with a few friends via hamachi or i use my 2nd pc to set up a dedicated server for the day. But the modding community is still thriving and you can download lots of cars and tracks from www.rfactorcentral.com :)

I occasionally join a reanult megane server, full of french people who speak very little english. They seem to instantly boot people who intentionally crash into other drivers. I was rubbish in that server, constantly running off and hitting others by accident. Seems they actually view replays and decide who to boot. So i guess it depends on which server you go on, they will take kindly to noobs.
A First -time Install guide for rFactor 2 is now available on rFactor.net. Topics include System Requirements, Installation, Purchase, Activation and handling mods. All the good oil you’ll need to know to get the rFactor 2 Open Beta up and running smoothly.

First time install page.

Images Space Incorporated hit the right time and place with their 2005 release of rFactor. Its open architecture allowed hundreds of third-party mods and add-ons to simulate nearly every track on earth, and nearly every vehicle that races on those tracks. But after this many years, the gloss on rFactor is wearing off. The sim racing community is hungry for more.

Rather than produce an upgraded rFactor, Gjon Camaj and his team stepped back and took a look at the entire rFactor racing world from purchase to functionality to modding. Not only has the ISI code evolved, but many new elements such as developing a brand-new distribution and purchasing function, new physics, new effects, as well as a new simulation, proved to be a significant challenge for the small development team.

ISI plans to release a pre-purchase offering that includes access to the rFactor 2 Beta. That will allow the sim racing community time to provide feedback to ISI so they can tune, tweak, and sweeten rFactor 2 before the full release.

The goal of this preview is to provide as much detail as possible before access to the Beta. Except for the Performance page, there will be a minimum of opinion in this article. That is the purpose of SimHQ's future review on rFactor 2.

Also, you may see some small discrepancies in images (like version numbers) because of the different builds.

The preview is divided into multiple topics. Each page topic will present new content, new images, and video segments to reinforce the points being presented. Included are some nice surprises included that ISI is only now comfortable with releasing.
Just read them all, pretty interesting read!
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Test Version
We are currently putting together a Modders test version of rFactor 2. The intent of this release is to receive feedback on the new modding process. At the same time we are testing the purchase system and online accounts.

If you are uneasy about purchasing a product without first being able to try it, wait until a demo is available. If you feel it is not fair to charge for beta software I encourage you to wait until the full version is available. If you are uncomfortable in any way, please wait and see how things develop over time. We’ll be here. Our intention is to continue to enhance rFactor2 both in features and in content for years to come.

For those who intend to create early mods for rF2, construct quick test versions first. Be aware that although we try and maintain backwards compatibility, sometimes format changes do not allow for this.

If you find issues or have questions, use these forums to try and find answers or discuss ideas. Above all, be cool and have fun.

Possibly keep your eye on this page ;)
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