***********Official Saints Row: The Third Thread ***************

has anyone played the co-op mode of sr3.

im quite far on single player (about 70%) mate who i do online games with has just started the game sp.

how does co-op work, does anything carry over from the single player part, does stuff done in cop-op carry on over to sp etc.

You can load your character from your SP game - they have all the abilities/vehicles/businesses/etc they have in your game.

Stats seem to carry over - i finished a couple of challenges on a friends game, then still had them on mine.

Not sure about the diversions though. Possibly if you don't rely on the autosave, but save it yourself before you quit the co-op.

You can also earn trophies (like the finish act 1 both ways).
Has anyone else noticed how bad this game runs? Got an Xbox 360 250GB brand new today and it's the first thing I noticed.

Is it normal?

Gameplay seems choppy the majority of the time with lots of FPS drops.
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