Just a few more weeks until 200FPS then
Hah yeah, 200fps....
Latest edition of the Wrench hit earlier today.
September Edition
Ahoy! Mods on the horizon!
Hello again good people of the Squad Community! We are back again with the monthly recap, designed to give an exciting insight into the murky corners of the modding community as we enter into the darkness of winter (at least for all you north-hemisphere dwellers).
The squad modding scene has been doing great the past month, with some marvelous updates to already known maps, and some fresh content, straight out of the Modding Hub easy-bake oven™. So let's get straight to it!
Total Conversions
Post Scriptum by Periscope Games
Post Scriptum released their first progress update since their reveal this month, and oh boy what progress they have made! In this almost 20 minute dev blog, they showcase their quality work-in-progress assets, giving everyone who is into WW2 something great to look forward to.
Seriously badass and often unknown vehicles and weapons are featured, like the British Morris C8 Tractor and the German Sdkfz. 232 Recon variant, often overshadowed by its more famous cousin, the Sdkfz. 222. (referred to as “tiny tank” in Allo Allo)
(DISCLAIMER: The video is a bit laggy and 720p due to the recording inside the UE software. Does not represent ingame performance)
Vickers M.G.
3-Inch Mortar
Granatwerfer 36
Bundeswehr by BWMod Team
The first faction mod to show some progress, the Bundeswehr will include the German armed forces into the Squad universe, with all its unique weaponry and vehicles.
To quote the team`s description:
“The BWMod (Bundeswehr Mod) is a mod adding a German faction. Some of you might already know it from Arma 3; This is a port of that project and the Arma version will remain the primary development platform”
An interesting development strategy for sure, and many of us can remember the fun that the Bundeswehr brought to Project Reality, so having this for Squad also is certainly a dream for many PR “vets”.
Kokan & Basrah by ChanceBrahh
After its reveal last month, Kokan and Al Basrah has gotten some more TLC (Tender loving care) from Chancebrahh, and the maps are progressing very nicely. This is great work from an hard working mapper, and we are all anxious to finally have the British, face to face with the insurgents again, in the streets of Basrah.
Musket Modélé 1777 by P1NGA
Following an very unofficial “Hey, somebody should totally make an musket mod for Squad” comment from Mr. Irontaxi, two of our devoted community members took the bait, and now the first result is in:
The Musket Modèlè 1777 was one of the most produced muskets of all time, with 7 million produced. If this turns into any more than a model duel is hard to tell, but atleast we can admire the amazing work that went into this model.
40mm Illumination Flare by Hamleet & Umarex
Flares are something a lot of people want in Squad, seeing as there are already some night maps around and even some in development by the modding community. Some talented guys from the Squad Ops team took it upon themselves and are developing their first in-engine proof of concepts and they look great!
Basic AI Functionality by Hamleet
AI is something that is very hard to tackle from a coding perspective, but nevertheless Hamleet started with his humble beginnings of a great project to bring some civilians into Squad. We hope to see a great development in the future.
Best regards,
Zeno - Mitsu - r0tzbua
With the help of Igno, P1NGA and Assifuah.
Squad Modding Hub
Management Team