***Official Squad Thread***

Remember that the things in the recap won't necessarily be in v8. It's just some of the things that have been worked on during the last month.

v8 will primarily be focusing on performance gains.
when will version 8 be released? as I may buy it then if performance is better optimized :) ive been wanting this for ages!
Just a few more weeks until 200FPS then :cool::D

Hah yeah, 200fps.... :P

Latest edition of the Wrench hit earlier today.


September Edition

Ahoy! Mods on the horizon!

Hello again good people of the Squad Community! We are back again with the monthly recap, designed to give an exciting insight into the murky corners of the modding community as we enter into the darkness of winter (at least for all you north-hemisphere dwellers).

The squad modding scene has been doing great the past month, with some marvelous updates to already known maps, and some fresh content, straight out of the Modding Hub easy-bake oven™. So let's get straight to it!

Total Conversions

Post Scriptum by Periscope Games

Post Scriptum released their first progress update since their reveal this month, and oh boy what progress they have made! In this almost 20 minute dev blog, they showcase their quality work-in-progress assets, giving everyone who is into WW2 something great to look forward to.

Seriously badass and often unknown vehicles and weapons are featured, like the British Morris C8 Tractor and the German Sdkfz. 232 Recon variant, often overshadowed by its more famous cousin, the Sdkfz. 222. (referred to as “tiny tank” in Allo Allo)

(DISCLAIMER: The video is a bit laggy and 720p due to the recording inside the UE software. Does not represent ingame performance)

Vickers M.G.

3-Inch Mortar

Granatwerfer 36


Bundeswehr by BWMod Team

The first faction mod to show some progress, the Bundeswehr will include the German armed forces into the Squad universe, with all its unique weaponry and vehicles.

To quote the team`s description:
“The BWMod (Bundeswehr Mod) is a mod adding a German faction. Some of you might already know it from Arma 3; This is a port of that project and the Arma version will remain the primary development platform”

An interesting development strategy for sure, and many of us can remember the fun that the Bundeswehr brought to Project Reality, so having this for Squad also is certainly a dream for many PR “vets”.



Kokan & Basrah
by ChanceBrahh

After its reveal last month, Kokan and Al Basrah has gotten some more TLC (Tender loving care) from Chancebrahh, and the maps are progressing very nicely. This is great work from an hard working mapper, and we are all anxious to finally have the British, face to face with the insurgents again, in the streets of Basrah.





Musket Modélé 1777 by P1NGA

Following an very unofficial “Hey, somebody should totally make an musket mod for Squad” comment from Mr. Irontaxi, two of our devoted community members took the bait, and now the first result is in:


The Musket Modèlè 1777 was one of the most produced muskets of all time, with 7 million produced. If this turns into any more than a model duel is hard to tell, but atleast we can admire the amazing work that went into this model.

40mm Illumination Flare by Hamleet & Umarex

Flares are something a lot of people want in Squad, seeing as there are already some night maps around and even some in development by the modding community. Some talented guys from the Squad Ops team took it upon themselves and are developing their first in-engine proof of concepts and they look great!





Basic AI Functionality by Hamleet

AI is something that is very hard to tackle from a coding perspective, but nevertheless Hamleet started with his humble beginnings of a great project to bring some civilians into Squad. We hope to see a great development in the future.


Best regards,
Zeno - Mitsu - r0tzbua
With the help of Igno, P1NGA and Assifuah.

Squad Modding Hub
Management Team
We are now pushing a version Alpha 7.7 hotfix release, here are the changes:
  • Fixed crashing in Squad's custom full auto sound and voip sound code relating to sound rendering in Unreal Engine 4.12 being asynchrounous now.
  • Fixed a crash related to gunshots not having an audio device under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed some issues with sound concurrency, causing certain gunshot sounds to cut out.
  • Fixed exploit relating to FOV.
  • Made a minor fix to deployable placement logic so it is less likely deployables can be placed on rooftops.
  • Added code so server admins can view the framerate of their servers in the scoreboard.
  • Fixed distance delay on certain explosion sounds.
  • Fixed an issue where the camera changed to third person on exiting a vehicle in single player Jensen's Range.
  • Fixed issue where vehicles get bogus rotations after destruction (e.g., sideways vehicle wreck).
  • Fixed an issue where players lose mouse input in the main menu / map.
  • Updated the Ural wreck collision.
The game looks amazing, I remember reading that it performs poorly on AMD hardware, is that still the case? I promised my self I wouldn't buy anymore early access games but I'm tempted to get this
The game looks amazing, I remember reading that it performs poorly on AMD hardware, is that still the case? I promised my self I wouldn't buy anymore early access games but I'm tempted to get this

Some AMD cpu's are still having issues processing the sound. It really does vary from model to model. Performance is nowhere near what we want currently but the next big release is focusing on fixing that.

Couple shots that may or may not be making it's way into Alpha v8:


Fog is not added as an optimisation measure. Fog may be added for map variety, not to gain FPS :P
Alpha v8 is shaping up nicely now. In the mean time this snuck out while I was away over the weekend:

Squad Merchandise

Hi Squaddies,

You've been asking us for ages, and we've finally done it. Squad Merchandise is a go! Starting Tuesday October 25th, you can pre-order your Squad gear and feel good about it, because Offworld Industries is donating $5 (our profits) to support real veterans with every purchase.

We're proud to announce our partnership with Chinatown Screen printing of Vancouver and Stack-Up, a charity aimed at supporting US, NATO, Australian and New Zealand veterans through video games to offer a selection of Squad merchandise to friends and fans of the game.


Meet Jordan, the guy creating all the goodies.


Established in 2013, Chinatown Screen Printing is a full service studio in Vancouver that focuses on merchandising and brand development. Jordan, the owner and operator of the company, has worked in the visual effects industry for three and a half years producing custom crew merchandise for some of the many feature films produced in Vancouver. Jordan hand screen prints every piece that goes through his studio and is very excited to be working with Squad to create quality apparel we know you will love to wear!

As part of Jordans commitment to our charity work he has offered to add customisation Kit badges so you can keep your squad identity outside of the game. You will be able to choose your role for most of the swag. (Hats excluded)



Stack-Up Charity Partnership


We're also especially proud to be partnering with Stack-Up to donate $5 from every item sold in the store.

Founded and run by a combat veteran who has personally felt the impact gaming can have emotionally and psychologically on veterans, Stack-Up is a the only charity supporting military and veterans through video gaming. They send supply crates full of video games to combat zones and military hospitals, as well as sending disabled and deserving vets to major gaming events, and creating local communities to support vets. Stack-Up wants to raise morale to fight the effects of depression, combat injuries, and post traumatic stress, all while bringing vets together through in a supportive and understanding gaming community.

Stack-Up at PAX West

Research shows that trauma sufferers have a significantly reduced number of flashbacks while focusing on highly engaging visual-spatial tasks - in essence, video games. There are also profound therapeutic effects both for soldiers in a war zone or who are readjusting back into society following deployment. Video games provide soldiers a friendly competitive environment after work hours; instead of soldiers disappearing back to their bunk after a shift, theyre interacting with others and having fun.

The charity functions as a stack. In the military, a stack is a slang term for when an assault team forms up single file along the entrance of the room where they believe a threat is located. With B]Stack-Up[/B], their stack represents a strong community of friends, family, brothers and sisters-in-arms, and supporters. We're proud to be a part of a community coming together with the common mission of helping veterans through video gaming.


Here is where it gets really interesting

As an extra incentive to raise the bar, on Tuesday October 25th at 12pm noon (21:00 GMT) you can start pre-ordering your merchandise and the first 100 orders will receive a free Squad Steam Key! Set your alarms! (First orders will ship approx. November 8th)

So by popular request, Squad Merchandise is now a reality. Thanks for helping us support Jordan's craft and Stack-Up, a great cause that aligns well with our values.

Enjoy the merchandise and thanks for your support!

Offworld Out.
Wow...Squad 8, it's come a long way. I started playing PR at about 0.3, great days. 0.4 - 0.8 were the glory days for me. Qwai River and Assault on Mestia, i had some amazing matches on those maps. If i had a PC, i'd absolute get back on this and start working with a few squads, i just don't have the time. Graphics look amazing though, good work.

Are all the maps based in a dust bowl, i must admit, i use to prefer the maps that were based in Russia or China with lush vegetation.

Edit, just watched that devblog from Sep, my god, that map looks mint...
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Cool. Fools Road, you still got that one in there, is that an updated version of the classic one?
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