***Official Squad Thread***

Al Basrah looks absolutely amazing, really glad to hear all the interiors are fully modeled.

Any fix for steam items yet or will that come in 10.0?
Free Weekend + Alpha 9.2 Update

Hi Squaddies!

It's fragging time! Get your helmets dusted off, boots on the ground and be ready to welcome the masses as we ship our free weekend patch to the community in anticipation of the free weekend which will be launching Thursday 6th April at 10 AM PST.
And don't forget Squad and it's soundtrack will also be 50% off for the duration of the free weekend and our Squad merchandise will be 30% off!

We are also launching a new 9.2 Patch that contains some improvements and treats to help make the free weekend more enjoyable and rewarding for the community.
Server Queues
We are releasing server queues with this Free Weekend! This means you should never see Server is Full again unless something went terribly wrong.
  • Auto-joins when there is room (Although that should be assumed.)
  • No limits on queues as many people as long as they want.
  • Queues split by public and reserve, reserve joins first.
  • No more wasted loading times. No longer loading to see "Server is full".

Lastly to address the server browser in general. There are fixes for some of those issues at http://support.joinsquad.com but we will be looking into putting more time into it.
Al Basrah
We are very excited to be giving you our modder made urban map Al Basrah! The first truly urban map in Squad it will be the opening salvo in a series of maps we have planned focused around dense urban centers. Al Basrah is unforgiving street to street combat where the US Army is forced to penetrate the dense neighbourhoods and multistoried apartment blocks bristling with AKs and RPGs.

Original Squad Soundtrack Volume 2
As per our news post last week we will be adding an additional Soundtrack Volume to the Squad music catalog and this will be made freely available to those who already own volume 1. in a few short days.

Also we cant forget our wonderful server partners who are ready and willing to spin up approx 20,000 slots to support our free weekend campaign. If you are looking for a Squad server we suggest you contact one of the providers below.

Alpha 9.2 Changelog
  • New Map: Al Basrah
  • Added Server Queuing functionality to the Server Browser
  • Added New Russian Ammo Crate from the community (Many thanks to Ricewind!)
  • Fixed Ammo widget color transition is now more obvious (White > Yellow > Red > Black)
  • Fixed Tweaks to n-wheeled vehicle movement to make small adjustments easier
  • Fixed Hesco walls not having projectile collisions
  • Fixed Vehicle turrets and sounds staying around for several seconds after vehicle destruction
  • Fixed Yehorivka AAS v1 ammo crates below ground
  • Fixed Updated tree collisions on Kohat to stop vehicles and players getting stuck
  • Fixed minimum required view distance for the game to launch was set too low
  • Fixed projectiles sometimes incapacitating players in close proximity without detonating
  • Fixed some bullet penetration settings
  • Optimized several shell ejection effects and improved performance on muzzle flash effects
Offworld Out.
Little tip for Al Basrah...don't go near the windows!

Al Basrah looks absolutely amazing, really glad to hear all the interiors are fully modeled.

Any fix for steam items yet or will that come in 10.0?

Not fixed yet. Hopefully for v10 or sooner.
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