Nice. Where did you get that meat?
Nice. Where did you get that meat?
Portable "quality" sound is a myth.
You use it whilst walking, bus, train, in the outside world. The problem is the outside world is full of noise pollution, even your own footsteps creates vibrations through your bones up to your inner ear.
Any improvements is instantly wiped out when you walk, car horn, people sneeze. It's like 2 steps forward, 3 steps back.
Got me this.... When I say ME, I mean the Wife, but its for me as the Cakes and Bread she'll make with it will be eated by me!!
Only £350 instead of £500!!.. (Rain Forrest)
Though I will probly use it for chopping stuff, and making Smoothies and Milkshakes!.. Mmmmm Chocolate Milkshake!!
Urban decay Book of shadows IV
Got this for practicing Instrument Approach Procedures and the like.
That's a nice piece of kit. I presume you're hooking it up to FSX?
That is beautiful! I hope she was chuffed at you buying her something to keep her in the kitchen
But seriously, Kenwood mixers are the bomb
Nice bell
Bike shops have to put them on, even on massive downhill gravity sleds that are never going anywhere near a road.
So that guy might as well bin all that and use the bundled apple earbuds?
Two copies of TFIOS (because you know, why not... also miscomunication with family members, but whatever). One's signed in purple and hanklerfished