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**Official Unigine Valley Leaderboard**

4155 [email protected] 1 x 7990 1235/1785


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Great job on the scoreboard Humbug! (and Gregster & Kaapstad on the other scoreboards).

You've got me down as 9th when I should be in 10th spot, luckily I've managed a slightly better score that puts me 9th :D

780 @ 1387/1863


Was quite pleased with result until I saw Newhits, awesome clocking card you've got there Newhit!
Single EVGA 780 Classy HC 1430/3944 cpu 3960X @ 5.2
Corsair Dominator 16Gb 2400 9-11-11-31-1T

The HC blocks were a separate buy and stuck on later. Not the best design but (for me anyhoo) better than the air coolers.


my 7950 @ 1100/1400 gets less than half of that score :eek:
Here's mine :)

FX6300 @ 4.6
XFX 7850 @ 1100/1500 @ Stock voltage.

EDIT: just noticed AA is at 4... not 8 .. omg.

Going to redue it now :p

Here is the 8*aa version :p

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