What's up with the voice is that I was recording seperately from playing, and it was the second recording as I forgot to check my mic was on the first time.

which for unknown reasons, transformed your voice into a posh/formal one :p mysterious these computery gadget things eh :D
well dived in and finally got a project cars license :) must say game is good but learning curve quite steep . heres a video of me on belgium forest in formula b car

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That hitreg is pretty instant :eek:
The way it's meant to be. Activision should let infinity ward develop a modern day version of cod uo. Big maps, vehicles, big player numbers. I reckon it could be a lot better than bf3. Cant ever see it happening though, activision have the fps market sewn up with cod as it is. Theres no viable alternative, so theyre content to rest on their laurels. Their sales and profits are safe enough.
If i can find my copy of it, id reinstall it in a heartbeat. Getting a bit better at bf3, (albeit slowly lol). But theres still so many niggles with it. Cod4 was nigh on perfect. The latest ones, not so good. I bought black ops, what a mistake.
like said many many full servers, modded servers , promod servers , best fps comp scene .game will last a lot longer than bf3.
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