OFNL for gaming/streaming

28 Sep 2010
Has anyone got experience with this company in providing network to homes.

Moving into a new home soon and they only provide OFNL which I've never heard of and basically our jobs both require good stables internet at home with no dropouts and bad latency.
I moved into a new build in Bristol in 2015, the estate is served by OFNL FTTH. I've had 2 ISP's over the past 6 years, i used seethelight originally for 70 meg i think it was, and then jumped over recently to MTH Networks and their 300 meg package.

It's without a doubt the best internet service i've ever had (both ISP's were faultless), the uptime is superb, the speeds are rock solid fast (i will consistently hit 313 meg over and over again on speed tests), pings are geneally ~10ms. I would think of it as a blessing you have the option to get it over traditional broadband. It's good stuff :)
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