Oh dear.. suspended

1 Feb 2004
Im suspended from work for a day, have a diciplinary hearing tomorrow at 1pm

Why? well i worked over last night till midnight (usually finish at 6pm) to rollout a mega important update to our inhouse crm, whole thing took from 8pm when the callcenter stopped taking calls till 23:45 when i finally finished testing it and left, if things had gone wrong id have been longer rolling it all back

Due to the late hour and me not having tea, i got home and made somethin to eat so didnt get bed till past 1am, this mornin i send a txt saying need to take the mornin off cos im shattered, not unreasonable considering the previous night, i get a txt saying be in for 11 and while i consider sending one back saying ill be in later than that cos im that shattered i decide ill try and make it in for that time and try and get more sleep

as im arriving at work i get another txt saying that he has finance waiting for me to do a server audit.. im not the only one that can help them with this.. this is at 11:05 as im walking in from the car park

so i get to my desk at 11:10, still shattered say 'i dont really care' in response to his txt, cant really be getting on my back after i did the work last night as a favour (dont get overtime pay, just time back.. eventually) and he starts havin a go saying 'i told you to be in, you can have time back when i say so' to which my response was 'if your attitude is going to be like that ill not be doing these update if ill get stick for it the next morning' he starts telling me im being completely inflexible to the needs of the business, i've been there 5 years and have always been flexible and doing this and other out of hours work so i took it personally and told him to 'f-off' at which point he trys to pull me into a meeting room to continue the argument and i walk off as i wasnt going to be goaded into arguing further, i tell a collegue i've had an argument with him and ill be back for 1pm but dont give any details but basically go to cool off, return later to find my id card is disabled and im asked to wait till he arrives and im escorted to HR

couldve been more patient.. but this guys attitude lately has been ridiculous, we are currently understaffed, just 2 server guys and we alternate an 8-5 and 9-6 shift, if one is off taking holiday or lieu time he's been pressuring the other to cover the extra hour. fair enough on rare occasions but we also do these updates nearly every week (they dont all take as long) so almost every week one of is off reclaiming time and since we already do a 42.5 hour week basic on an unspectacular amount for the job, so more hours arent exactly wanted or our responsibility to cover

this guy is my 8th line manager in the 5 years, had no issue with others but this will be the second time im on a disciplinary since he started not 2 months ago.. not at all impressed
Whilst I feel sorry for you, if a manager asks you to be in at 11, and it falls within your working hours then you should be.

You didn't tell him you wouldnt be there for 11, so he had every reason to expect you to be there.

If you dont have the kind of manager who is willing to be flexible because you are, then the answer is to stop doing these late nights.

Hope it goes ok tommorow. Best of Luck.
Hate to say it, but you've gone about it all the wrong way. So depending on your HR department you are likely to be in trouble. Firstly for swearing at your line manager, and secondly for walking off. If you had an issue with him and couldn't resolve it you should have gone to the HR department to discuss it. As it is he has managed to goad you, and probably has you over a barrel.
Exactly, sounds like a rant to me. What do you want us to do about it?

If you swear at and insult your boss, you're going to get a disciplinary whatever the circumstances. It's really not a good way to go about things and as such I have little sympathy.

And yes, I do midnight shifts too. Did one yesterday. Doing one today. I'm on flexitime though so I work pretty much when I please as long as the work gets done and I'm around for any important meetings.
sounds like you went a bit wrong by walking out til 1pm, but considering the work you did the night before, the other guy sounds like a **** too.

If you want to keep the job, I hope it pans out ok for you, and you get another manager in like your formers :)
geeez and I thought my manager expected too much for too little :o

well make the most of the day off and see how things are when you go back I guess - I really don't envy the position you've been put in though
I'd be surprised if you don't get a bad record/written warning over swearing at him.

There's a time and a place, but at work and to his face ain't one of them.
I know its very hard to work in a high pressure enviroment but at the end of the day the business needs are very important.
I may be unpopular for this but it's about time some of you lot started toughening up a bit.

I'm 40 years old, overweight and unfit. I recently did 3x18 hour shifts in 4 days and was at my work before 06.00 every day, if you can't do one without needing 12 hours sleep, you need to get a grip of yourself and decide whether this job is right for you - in fact, you need to ask yourself why you can't perform after one longish shift. When I was your age, I used to regularly work 24-30 hour shifts and be back at work after 6 hours sleep.

I'm sorry if this sounds like an "I remember when I was younger" type post but I hear of so many young people nowadays who think 12 hours is a long shift.

If I was your boss, I'd be seriously questioning your usefulness to the department.
I feel for you but there's a way to talk to your boss (or in fact to anyone), tell him to **** off is just plain wrong and you deserve to be suspended just for that.
If you feel that the people you work for are not appreciating you then you should really look for another job.
if you are being FORCED to work outside your hours of contract and even then expected to be at work within an UNRESONABLE timeframe then they can't moan at you, you're within your rights to stick it to em tbh
Much as we are in awe of your working ability Stan i think the dude is actually legally entitled to a minimum of 11 hours between shifts.

* a 20 minute break when the working day is more than six hours
* a rest period of 11 hours every working day
* a rest period of 24 hours once every seven days
* a maximum working week of 48 hours (averaged over 17 weeks for most jobs)
* four weeks' paid holiday a year
* a ceiling of an average of eight hours night work in every 24
* free health assessment for night workers.

Tell him to shove it, and that he has no right to demand you in any earlier than your 11 hour rest period especially considering you did it for free.
Then Tell HIS boss that line manager boy is a tool who doesnt know what he doing.
to be fair to you line man he did give you until 11 that is probably more than quite a few others would give, he set this time and you were late, even if only 10 mins. In your sort of workplace you have to make some sacrifices in your time to allow for your job, your boss is well within limits of your contract to demand that you return to work at the normal time the next day! I people both family and other who work much longer hours than their contract states and sometimes very late into night and they mostly are expected to be at work on time the next morning, from my experience your boss is quite leniant. Never swear at authority it aint big and it certainly aint clever!

edit: I get the idea that the late nighter you did counts as voluntary, i.e. its not written specifically in your contract so the rules of you being at work the next day stand
lucifersam said:
to be fair to you line man he did give you until 11 that is probably more than quite a few others would give, he set this time and you were late, even if only 10 mins. In your sort of workplace you have to make some sacrifices in your time to allow for your job, your boss is well within limits of your contract to demand that you return to work at the normal time the next day!

No he isnt, especially if he was in some way led to believe that unless he completed the server upgrade he would face disipilary action.
He is entitled to 11 hours rest between shifts, end of story.
atpbx said:
No he isnt, especially if he was in some way led to believe that unless he completed the server upgrade he would face disipilary action.
He is entitled to 11 hours rest between shifts, end of story.

it only counts as a shift if it is written in his contract or he has signed somewhere agreeing to do the extra work otherwise is counts as voluntary and he gets his 11 hours if his last shift technically ended at 6PM or whenever
lucifersam said:
it only counts as a shift if it is written in his contract or he has signed somewhere agreeing to do the extra work otherwise is counts as voluntary and he gets his 11 hours if his last shift technically ended at 6PM or whenever

It entirely depends on what his manager has said.
If he has been told he "has" to do it, then he has got no worries, if he is gormless enough to work free he deserves everything he gets.
atpbx said:
Much as we are in awe of your working ability Stan i think the dude is actually legally entitled to a minimum of 11 hours between shifts.

* a 20 minute break when the working day is more than six hours
* a rest period of 11 hours every working day
* a rest period of 24 hours once every seven days
* a maximum working week of 48 hours (averaged over 17 weeks for most jobs)
* four weeks' paid holiday a year
* a ceiling of an average of eight hours night work in every 24
* free health assessment for night workers.

Tell him to shove it, and that he has no right to demand you in any earlier than your 11 hour rest period especially considering you did it for free.
Then Tell HIS boss that line manager boy is a tool who doesnt know what he doing.

I'm sure that the legal entitlements you quoted are correct but realistically, workers should be willing to undertake extra work as long as the hours expected are not ridiculous.

Working in an offshore environment, I am not entirely sure of restrictions in onshore workplaces.

I am pretty sure that if everybody in the country stuck rigidly to EU guidelines then the country would be in a hell of a state.

The OP said that he had worked until midnight and was so tired that he felt he could not perform his duties until he had had the requisite rest time.

We, as a nation, need to get away from this "I'm entitled to this" attitude and get back to a "let's get the job done" attitude before the rest of the world passes us by and leaves us standing.

You can be pretty certain that the employees in the upwardly mobile countries in the far east don't say "I've worked 12 hours, I need 11 hours sleep". If we're not careful, these guys are gonna kick our arses and leave us floundering in a sea of regulations which will be meaningless when our economy is dead.
Bigstan said:
I'm 40 years old, overweight and unfit. I recently did 3x18 hour shifts in 4 days and was at my work before 06.00 every day, if you can't do one without needing 12 hours sleep, you need to get a grip of yourself and decide whether this job is right for you - in fact, you need to ask yourself why you can't perform after one longish shift. When I was your age, I used to regularly work 24-30 hour shifts and be back at work after 6 hours sleep.

Right then.
I remember when I used to work 25 hours a day, 8 days a week over 13 months a year.
I never went to bed but if I did I couldn't go asleep because I knew I would be up a chimney within minutes.
I hadn't got time to eat either and I started off at 10 stone and lost 12 stone within 1 month.
Beat that.
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