Oh No... Valentines Day

manor said:
Holy beejeezuz bud :eek: That sure is one display of unsubtle bitterness.

But you do realise that secretly, those two girls are having a competition to see who can catch you first. The rivalry will go unseen by you and will end up in your heart being ripped out by a situation you never saw coming. :D

Believe me mate - they are plotting something against you right now - you had best don that armour plating on the evening of valentines, or simply propose to both of them and let them duke it out. ;)

@ Sic - And your point is??? :p

I very much doubt it. One of them is my ex-from-way-back-when\flatmate\best friend and the other is a good mate. If they are plotting something though as long as it's fun I don't really care. :p

And I can't help the bitterness, I just hate Valentines Day.
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Murf said:
One of them is my ex-from-way-back-when\flatmate\best friend.

That alone would have the alarm bells ringing for me. :eek:
I would have bolted the doors and sat all night with a flame thrower.
Let us know if you do survive though.

Seriously - enjoy the night ;)
KaHn said:
Black tie event, mourning the loss of your love life, and find a party to go to. Im sure you will do the right thing dude. She seems like a bit of a **** tease. Also with the rose, dont send it to her, just give it to her in person but maybe get a blue/black (i think they are funky).


I'm trying not to mourn tbh. I felt a bit crap today when I saw her but it soon faded when I had a general chit chat with her and she seemed fine (though I think she felt a bit awkward). Going out next Saturday (someones 18th), maybe some more before then too though :) . She's been grounded by her Dad for some weird made up reason (yes, at 17! :eek: ) so she won't be at any of them, don't really know if that's a good thing or a bad thing!

She's not a **** tease, she is genuinely having a lot of problems facing things at the moment, I just wish she would let me help rather than shutting me out. I've tried to get her to talk to me etc but she won't have any of it so I give up. If she wants to talk she can come to me! :rolleyes: .

Don't know about the blue/black rose, think I'll just stick to red, but I'll give it to her in person I suppose (at least then I don't need to ask her postcode etc and make it obvious).
paid 50 quid for a meal for two last week for a 1 year thingy majig, so not looking forward to it, infact the term "cba" can come into play :p
Happily involved and we're going out for a nice dinner but we're not going mad - don't see the point as we spent so much great time together. Besides we'll be off to Cuba the after anyway - much more exciting than some silly day like that ;) However it's tradition and it's good fun, just like pancake day (shrove tuesday) and eggs at easter time etc... It's part of the western culture and frankly it's not that bad...
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