"Oi love, you got a loicence to beep that horn?"

This is what happens when you have subjective 'crimes' based on the feelings of the supposed victim and a generation of hypersensitive crybabies masquerading as adults, with the police seen as their mummy. When Brexit happens we need to get rid all of this nonsense and free up the police to deal with actual crime and re-train them if necessary.

If you think that's what Brexit means, then you've been sorely mislead. The country isn't, thank goodness, going to be taken over by illiterate right-wingers.
This is what happens when you have subjective 'crimes' based on the feelings of the supposed victim and a generation of hypersensitive crybabies masquerading as adults, with the police seen as their mummy. When Brexit happens we need to get rid all of this nonsense and free up the police to deal with actual crime and re-train them if necessary.

A “no deal safety net unit” is being rushed through by Scotland Yard at a cost of more than £2.4m after police chiefs warned the home secretary that losing EU tools would make it harder to track sex offenders and terrorist suspects, according to internal police documents.

The initial cost to the taxpayer was subsequently inflated by £250,000 to allow the new unit to rent an office near parliament after the Metropolitan police said it did not have the space given the large size of the team. Discussions are ongoing about the extent of the running costs to the taxpayer should the UK crash out in March.
If you think that's what Brexit means, then you've been sorely mislead. The country isn't, thank goodness, going to be taken over by illiterate right-wingers.

If you think the cultural conflict going on at the moment wasn't a decisive factor in Brexit, you're very naïve. The Brexit referendum is our Trump election. Similar factors contributed to the success of both.
Im done with Western society, need to win the lottery so I can live the rest of my life on a tropical island away from all the BS
If you think that's what Brexit means, then you've been sorely mislead. The country isn't, thank goodness, going to be taken over by illiterate right-wingers.

I think you'll find that at its core it is, the European way of governance has always been that the people are only allowed to do what is allowed by the government, whereas the Anglo and particularly American way of governance is that of small/limited government that doesn't interfere everywhere and you can do anything providing that is not illegal.

The EU is a massive bureaucratic monster that thinks the shape of bananas is within its power so obviously they also see it as their responsibility to intervene in every private dispute no matter how pathetic which is why the police are becoming increasingly draconian. It's all about control. Why do you think the US founding fathers created the constitution to constrain government from eventually oppressing the people?

I know most remainers are low information because they only watch mainstream (fake news) media but there's more to Brexit than GDP, immigration and the customs union. We never got a vote on the Lisbon Treaty etc so it's understandable that people aren't aware that English Law no longer exists because EU law is now supreme.
Im done with Western society, need to win the lottery so I can live the rest of my life on a tropical island away from all the BS

Many so called celebrities with the funding to leave the USA and the UK spoke similarly but haven't actually backed up their rhetoric and are still present...And still whining ;) Good luck with the lottery :)
Any move towards this violent society that was apparently wished for by Brixiteers has been pretty much demolished by the soft Brexit we're having. I imagine that all that's currently happening is people like me are thinking, thank **** those idiots haven't fully got their way, and you Brexiteers are thinking, **** this isn't what I voted for. I wanted to kick out the immigrants and hang people for cycling.
I love the way mmj talks about low information remainers whilst simultaneously quoting 'bendy bananas' as an example of EU legislative overreach :D:D:D

It really is incredible how stupid some people can be
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Anyway, as I read the story the police commissioners issue is that regulations have removed the power of discretion from the police and if someone says "racism" there's a whole extra set of procedures that kick in.

That's accurate. Whilst I highly doubt the story is as reported, even if it were, if it's perceived as a hate crime, it would become a priority and be investigated as such. That's a statutory duty that they police have to adhere to.
I think the White driver should "Countersue". She should make an official complaint that the fact that the Black driver accused her of a racially motivated hate crime was a racially motivated hate crime against her!

I wonder how many layers can be put on this cake before every bodies heads explode!


I actually agree.

Isn't the definition of racism to discriminate or otherwise treat unfairly someone due to the colour of their skin?

If the old lady had been black, then it isn't a hate crime?

But wait, isn't that now discrimination because she is white?

What if the situation was reversed, could the lady being beeped at, claim this as a hate crime as the "black" driver beeped at her was doing it because she was racist?

I think people forget that it isn't just white people than can be racist. It just seems the law, an general public conception is wholly against the white person. Which clearly is proven given this report.
I love the way mmj talks about low information remainers whilst simultaneously quoting 'bendy bananas' as an example of EU legislative overreach :D:D:D

It really is incredible how stupid some people can be

I think that the expectation of a cultural shift is just ridiculous. Bearing in mind 51% of those who voted were pro-Brexit, you've only got 51% of those of voting age who think that leaving the EU is a good idea. Within that 51% I bet there are a large number who aren't even remotely interested in a cultural shift - they just want to be out of the common market.

We saw a shift in the lead up and the aftermath to the vote, and then it just went away with the fall of the right-wing pro-Brexit parties.

We're the same as we ever were.
[..] Hate crime is, for the most part, a flawed idea.

Hate crime is a superb idea if the intent is to promote irrational prejudice and discrimination because the main point of it is to assign social and legal status and rights on the basis of group identity and give favoured group identities massively superior status and power in law. There are few better ways to promote irrational prejudice and discrimination. The secondary point of it is to increase authoritarianism - it's a form of thoughtcrime - and impose censorship of views contrary to the dominant views.

So, for example, under hate speech rules it's fine to openly call for random murders of "white" men, or even for the "final solution to the male problem", but it's forbidden for a person with a lower status group identity to say or do anything that any person with a higher status group identity objects to. Like, for example, a person with a lower status "race" expressing irritation at how long a person with a higher status "race" is taking at a petrol station. Or a person with a lower status sex not showing the "respect" that a person with a higher status sex thinks they deserve. Or for allegedly looking at them. Or, presumably, allegedly spilling their pint.

It would be a flawed idea if the intent was to eliminate irrational prejudice and discrimination, but I doubt if many people are daft enough to really believe that's the intent when it so obviously isn't.
I think you'll find that at its core it is, the European way of governance has always been that the people are only allowed to do what is allowed by the government, whereas the Anglo and particularly American way of governance is that of small/limited government that doesn't interfere everywhere and you can do anything providing that is not illegal.

The EU is a massive bureaucratic monster that thinks the shape of bananas is within its power so obviously they also see it as their responsibility to intervene in every private dispute no matter how pathetic which is why the police are becoming increasingly draconian. It's all about control. Why do you think the US founding fathers created the constitution to constrain government from eventually oppressing the people?

I know most remainers are low information because they only watch mainstream (fake news) media but there's more to Brexit than GDP, immigration and the customs union. We never got a vote on the Lisbon Treaty etc so it's understandable that people aren't aware that English Law no longer exists because EU law is now supreme.

I really don't have time to go through everything that is wrong in that post. It's currently 865 days since the Brexit referendum and only 144 days until we are actually supposed to crash out of the EU with most likely none of the Leave promises met, so it should be recognised as a truly impressive example of someone with their head firmly in the sand still going for it on Brexit bingo:
  • Regurgitate ancient and long debunked Daily Mail nonsense (bendy bananas)
  • Claims about English (in this case Anglo) exceptionalism
  • Unsubstantiated claims about the EU directly controlling the UK police/our lives
  • Fake news remainer accusations
  • Total nonsense claims about English Law no longer existing
Yes..... but unless people start wearing badges that advise me of their statuses (statuii? statiae?) levels, and what race, gender, sex, creed, age they are, I have no choice but to NOT assume anything about them, and so treat them all equally.... which means they're still taking too bloody long and will get a horn upside the flippin' earhole!!!

Then you will fall foul of the idea, since you wouldn't be giving higher status people the higher status treatment required. Treating people equally is precisely what "hate crime" (and the rest of the regressive left's policies) are designed to stop.
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