ideally check when cold/warm and after the engine has been sat for a few mins to allow the oil to settle
Adz said:Exactly. If you check it immediately after turning off you're going to get a bit of a shock .
Adz said:Having the oil on the max marker isn't generally a good thing though. There should be a little 'notch' described in the handbook which is the optimum level.
[TW]Fox said:Read your handbook becuase every car is different. Oil level on my Mondeo for example was checked from cold yet the 530i must be checked when warm approx 5 minutes after turning the engine off, on a full moon only when the day is a Wednesday.
Dogbreath said:Pretty much every car I have owned has has Max and Min, nothing else. Keeping it on Max is fine, overfilling it is not such a good idea.