Cybergangster said:(note to self - never steal a horse in plain view of the owners)
bit like real life then
Cybergangster said:(note to self - never steal a horse in plain view of the owners)
Cybergangster said:Never really got into RPG games - Morrowind, Dues Ex & KotOR all failed to win me over.
Davey_Pitch said:Morrowind I can understand, but Kotor, and especially Deus Ex I just don't get. Deus Ex is just a FPS that requires a bit of brains along the way.
Davey_Pitch said:Morrowind I can understand, but Kotor, and especially Deus Ex I just don't get. Deus Ex is just a FPS that requires a bit of brains along the way.
Noni said:lol
it was dark, and it jumped on my face
wheres the nvidia tweak?
You have me thereDavey_Pitch said:...Deus Ex is just a FPS that requires a bit of brains along the way.
nands said:Have to say that I though the original Deus Ex was one of the best games ever but KOTOR did nothing for me - I think it was the combat mostly - not feeling like I was in control. Oblivion seems, form what I have read, to have real combat, is this right.
I really fancy a game like Deus Ex but have never done a full RPG before. Is this the game for me? Aslo do I need to know anything about the previous three Elder Scrolls games to fully enjoy this?