OK, who broke the internet!

17 Mar 2004
Is it just me or has the entire internet ground to a halt tonight? Getting shockingly high pings with packet loss playing UT tonight and getting approx 2Mbps down 512Kbps up from speedtest.net and Be's own download meter.
Its actually worse than dialup- at least dialup is consistent and resilient!
massive problems in the north due to fibre damage. Flooding related apparently. Pipex were effected for one, and i know of one or two fairly seizable providers also having issues. Might be that i guess!
thought it might be related to the flooding, and its pretty much confirmed on the Be support forums. It's pretty frustrating not being able to do any online gaming but at least Im not up to my neck in water like the people affected by the flooding are :cool:
Biiiig problems here on cable this evening - can get Google and OcUK but a lot of the internet is stone dead (MSN won't sign in, microsoft.com dead, etc etc). Damage to the network from flooding could explain it, hope they get it fixed soon as all my means of communication are gone :p .
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I'm on Virgin Media and I'm also running a couple of services on another connection at another house on a Zen connection. A short while ago I noticed that I couldn't connect to the server there at all so I thought it was down ... however, my friends could still connect.

Anyway, I have access to another Zen connection from which I RDP'ed to the router on my Zen connection then enabled ping. I'm unable to ping the Zen connection at all and traceroutes time out. I then enabled ping on my own firewall and tried to traceroute to my Virgin Media IP from a Zen connection and it gets to an NTL router and then times out.

So in short, Virgin Media in my area is unable to communicate with any Zen connections at all :)
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