old counter strike players?

Started playing at the release of 1.3 and stopped playing around 2 years ago, the community is full of complete tossers.
Reading through this thread makes me feel really old.

Certainly miss a bit of the old trout action with McNub!


That vid is just absolute gold.

Im pretty sure ive got most of the old CS vids on an old HDD somewhere if I can fish it out.

Oh and;


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The best bit about that vid is knowing what the banter would have been like on comms.. "'kin joy!" "oh what, he's livid" "oof" for each and every kill rexy chose :D Am loving the one with meep and liam at long a, can clearly see liam pwns the first guy then trouts his corpse a bit before trying to take on the second. :D

oh and livid at the final score, 22-2.
lies I was utter **** yesterday... I suppose I always was though ;e

I've found shep.avi! no where to host it though.. :/
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