Old PSU, ok for HTPC?

17 Mar 2006
Powerman 235W
+3.3v 14A
+5vsb 0.8A
+5v 22A
-5V 0.3A
+12v 8A
-12v 0.8A
20 pin ATX

It might be a bit loud (8cm fan) but I'll use it for now until it's replaced with a quieter one. Yup fan grinds away!

Probably fit a AMD Athlon 3000-3700, ATI 1300 GFX. One 20GB or 40GB 2.5" boot and a 3.5" for mass storage. One optical drive.
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I dont think it will cut it. As its a tempory solution, you could under-clock the CPU but I still wouldnt bother.

Consider a <400 watt quiet PSU like this:
Tagan TG380-U01 380W ATX2.0 Silent PSU (CA-001-TG)

Should be ample.

sorry :p
That might work if its new, 3000 gives you about 30watts leaway, though it wouldnt likely work with a 3700. If its old then theres no chance it will work the capacitors simply will have degraded too much.
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Get yourself a Tagan PSU. It's well worth the cash for that extra quality. Your old PSU "may" work, but IMHO it's not worth the hassle. Nothing worse than buying new kit and then finding you can't use it because you need that PSU. :)
I say try it. I've run similar spec systems on 250W PSUs. In reality the system you mention (with a 3000+) probably won't draw more than 120W. Also - as an HTPC it is unlikely to be stressed in the same way as when 3D gaming. As mentioned earlier you could drop the CPU voltage to probably as low as 1.1v and still easliy get stock speed out of the chip

Check out that 8A 12v line, but if it looks ok, give it a try. Keep an eye on the voltages etc and don't use it if you see any dramatic drops etc. You don't want to fail on you because it will most likly take the mobo and maybe HD with it. When you can afford it get yourself something new and quiet :)

I forgot I had a P3 933, 512MB, Asus TUSLC-2 system, so going to use that for my HTPC! Just need a case. I already have a 235W PSU, 20GB 2.5" HD, Geforce MX GFX card. Just need a soundcard with digital out, and a new case.

CPU fan is noisy though, try running passive but any recommendations for a new HSF for socket 378?
Yup, thought about that, or get a case with PSU fan above the CPU. I've removed the fan (4700rpm!!) and MUCH quieter but idle alone is 50 degrees!

Currently using the P3 in the forums now, just need to check speed for movie playback. Picture quality over analogue VGA is pretty poor though to the Philips monitor (sending 1680x1050)

doh I just rememberd, I've taken off the Zalman fan controller (speedfan now controls CPU and videocard!) and fitted to P3 fan....same connector, and reduces the fan to silence level! yay!
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You shouldn't have any problem whatsoever. Too many people on this forum are too quick to say "you need an x million watt PSU!!!11one!" :)
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