Old SSD in new M.2 system quick question

21 Sep 2005
Am about to build a new system for the first time in a long while. New system will have Windows on a M.2. My current system has Windows on a SSD. I'd like to use that SSD for extra storage in the new system. I was going to get the new system fully up and running first with just the M.2. Then I'd introduce the old SSD.

Will this just prompt it to be reformatted or wiped or will the old OS on it cause me problems in any way? Thanks for looking
Nope it’ll be fine. When you add it in after it’ll just show as a secondary drive in Windows.

You can just format it in File Explorer or via Disk Management tool in Windows.
You need to remove old partitions in Disk Management and then make new whole drive filling partition.
Normal formatting of visible partition/s leaves OS/System and EFI partitions on drive.

And to avoid new Windows installation crapping those who knows where, connect only wanted target drive for Windows installation when doing new install.
(and other drives when Windows is installed)
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