Old style praetorians - still in production?

27 Jul 2006
Hey all,
I was trying to find the old style CoolerMaster Praetorians, the ones that are a lot like the ATC 110's. I konw there is a new model of praetorian out, but does anyone know if they are still making the old ones, or if the old ones are readily available?
I dont want anyone to post any links or name any names obviously, as I dont want anyone to break the rules!
Only stateside can you get the original Praetorian still.

About four years to late for the ATCs cases really, same with Soldam soon aswell. :(
That's terrible! These cases are so simple yet so stylish, and yet theyre almost impossible to get - typical!
I might go for a lian li with a side panel window.. but eh.. I'm not really that fond of them from what I've seen. I need to pick a case within the hour though, because I'm ordering my conroe etc at 4 heh. *browses once more though OCuk's cases*
Stop the press!
Just stumbled upon the Silverstone cases, in particular the TJ04. If I got that and the side panel with a window, it would be exremely similar to the ATC cases! Hmmmmmmm, I might just do that.
I've got about £100 to spend on the case.
The silverstones may be designed by the same people but the build quality is far inferior on all but the top cases.

Lian Li PC7, the old 201 competitor is the best bet really for build quality, inferior to a 201 but 1/6 the price. :p
I have seen new ones pop up now and again on that popular auction site,in fact i bought a new praetorian not 2 months ago from a factory clearence off there,but its just a matter of luck really finding a new one on there.

As they say things must move on, but not always for the better and definately not in coolermasters case.
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