Old-time WoW players : Do you still play it now?

I have stopped playing. BFA hasn't been a great experience and I have just stopped logging in as the content is a little stale. People are hoping things will pick up when next raid opens in a couple of weeks but I am not feeling the same kind of enthusiasm as I have in the past. I suppose that having played pretty much non stop since Vanilla, the fun was bound to run out at some point.
I haven't played WoW for several years now. In fact the last expansion I purchased was the Kung Foo Panda one. I finally got fed up with doing the same thing over and over and over and over again. No flying helped to speed up losing interest as well. I tried the classic game a year or so ago and just couldn't get into it. I don't play any online multiplayer games now and probably never will again as I prefer just to do my own thing.
It became very stale. In vanilla you would get much more random stuff happening, like people kiting world bosses in to towns and the enemy faction attacking cities.

But it turned in to a chat room with a bunch of mini-games and stopped being an RPG. The "community" became non-existent. There just happens to be a bunch of other people on the same server. In the old days there was life.

Yeah, I think there is too much content now that caters to doing things solo. LFR isn't solo, but you don't need to be organised, so taking the 'community' out of it. Remembering those days of general chat in the city - "LF Healer and 1 DPS for SM (Scarlett Monastery)". Making sure someone is already on their way to summon the players out of the city. Something simple like that ensured some degree of teamwork.
Loved Warcraft 1/2/3 before the days of WoW.

Came from Lineage 2 to play WoW back when it was in Beta and played up until Mist of Pandaria.

Haven't played since 2014.

It was awesome back in the day playing as part of a guild, have fond memories. :)

Anyone remember when flight path's weren't linked? :D
Nope I quit 3 weeks into Cataclysm and apart from 1 week back in MOP I haven't touched it since, get the urge from time to time but after watching Asmongold and the community in general hate BFA I'll be waiting for classic, however with how Blizzard and Activision are going I can see that going down the pan too.
Funny thing is even the classic server will fail probably not suiting both vanilla players and the non vanilla players. One group will complain of to many QOL things added to classic the others asking for more . Game is definitely on the wan but wasn't it been said a few months after its initial release? Monumental how successful the game became but its slipping badly as is the MMO genre in general.
Quit about 5-6 years ago, was quite hardcore with the original game and the first 2 expansions , looking forward to playing the remastered WC3 tho, hopefully they will do D2
I was playing for about 8 years in a non serious raiding guild. I bought BfA, leveled a few chars but never once did I raid.. I hated the loot system(too much randomization) the azurite armour with the ramdomized traits, and the crappy necklace thing. But it was mainly the super randomization of the loot drops, titanforged etc, then sockets or not - totally sucks.

I do miss it, well I miss the older versions of WoW like WotLK and Pandas, it's a shame. They tried to get people to play longer but in doing so pushed more people away, there are a lot more games to entertain us now than there was 10 years ago.
Just got to 120 a few days ago on my hunter and now struggle to work up motivation to log in. Might try my priest or rogue and see if they are more entertaining to play but the hunter seems dull now.
I played Vanilla wow a lot, (that should read too much) in a high ranked worldwide guild and had to put in a LOT of hours to keep on top.

Although I've purchased every expansion I haven't played them properly for years (since BC/Wrath). Dungeon finder/cross-realm etc killed it for me, it was made way too easy and lost it's appeal.... and do I even mention pandas!

That said I do keep an eye on it, I'm watching Method now doing the race to world first and miss doing that.
I have spent hundreds of days played on the game. Thoroughly enjoyed it. I simply don't want to commit to raiding properly anymore and there's really nothing attractive in the game that isn't done better in another if you exclude the raids.

Simply a matter of time. After work I want to work out 3 evenings. Chores, relaxing after dinner, suddenly the evening is gone. Simply not time to put in 3 hours in a mythic raid let alone do everything else required to stay at the top level and HC content in general is simply not satisfying.
I started playing mid TBC and enjoying it massively until the end of Wrath. I have been on-and-off since then. I hadn't played any of the latest expansion but gave it a go over the weekend. I did some brief levelling with a friend.

The game feels pretty similar and the content is kind of intriguing but the idea of the grind required after getting to max level is really off-putting.

I imagine I would play it on-and-off if it didn't require a sub but even though £10pm seems like a tiny expense I really don't have the hours to make it worthwhile.
If anyone reactivates now and expects the WoW from yesteryear they are likely to be disappointed and will most likely cancel shortly after. That's not to say the game is bad though (or anywhere close it), it has just evolved over the years; better in some ways, and worse in others, although both of these points are arguable. I've played since vanilla beta (although I took a break through Pandaria) and I've always liked the game to varying degrees throughout its history.

The best and most fun part of this game is finding a bunch of like-minded people and doing the game with them. I've found really it doesn't matter what I do in the game, whether it's just questing, or PvP, raiding, achievements, mount grinding, etc., as long as I'm doing it with people I like then it's always fun. I'm playing these days in a great guild with some awesome people and I'm having a great time. It's not as doom-and-gloom where "nobody talks" as people make it out to be, but it is worse than it used to be as you were forced to interact more back in vanilla.

Also, people often over-hype vanilla a lot with lots of rose-tinted goggles. That iteration of the game had so many problems and quality-of-life atrocities that people seem to forget while wading into the fact that the community and 'player' feel of the game was better back then. Not that I'm disagreeing with them, I just think that right now (and over the years) the game has improved drastically in a lot of areas, and went a bit backwards in others.
Yes but i play on a private server which is more alive than retail, the GM's are better than retail. and better yet its on the patch i grew up with and when the game was at its best 3.3.5. Currently rank 3 on the 2v2 Ladder out of 500+ teams :)
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