Olly an Fill - I am gutted

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Don't watch the show, but if someone can summarise the story that would be great.

I know Holly and Phil presented many shows together for many years and are supposed to be good friends on and off air.

Then recently Phil's bro admitted some nasty stuff to Phil which Phil gave him the chance to come clean with. He didn't so Phil dobbed him in, after a short delay and then even testified in court against the bro.

Then it all gets a bit confusing. I don't actually understand why Holly is upset with Phil unless I missed some of the story. And now Phil has resigned .

Then it all gets a bit confusing. I don't actually understand why Holly is upset with Phil unless I missed some of the story. And now Phil has resigned .

Whatever the actual cause, it's not been made public yet so everything is just people guessing so far. If I had to guess, I would go with something about Phil's brother as this all started around his court case and I think people found out only during the court case that Phil didn't immediately chop him in to the police the second he found out - but thats just a pure guess on my end.
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Whatever the actual cause, it's not been made public yet so everything is just people guessing so far. If I had to guess, I would go with something about Phil's brother as this all started around his court case and I think people found out only during the court case that Phil didn't immediately chop him in to the police the second he found out - but thats just a pure guess on my end.
This is the only thing I could think as well. His hesitation is being held against him, so to speak.

I'm not bothered either way, but just wanted to clarify that as of now Phil hasn't done anything wrong!

Grew up watching this guy and find it hard to believe he is a wrong un, unless there's proof!

Isn't the general gossip/rumour that the reason Holly is annoyed is because he didn't inform the police when his brother spoke to him directly about his dealing.

that bridge would be burnt in an instance over that.
I'm not bothered either way, but just wanted to clarify that as of now Phil hasn't done anything wrong!


We don’t want anyone in here claiming any different unless there’s evidence.

Thank you.
I have no idea what this is all about. I heard his brother got charged for being scum but that's about it.

Anything else, don't care.
Not just charged. Found guilty of sexually abusing a boy and sentenced to 12 years.
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We don’t want anyone in here claiming any different unless there’s evidence.

Thank you.
Completely agree. I don't particularly like him. But apart from having an affair (which he was strangely applauded for being brave and telling everyone about) he hasn't done anything illegal as far as we know.
I'm hearing rumours of a super injunction stopping the press reporting on it which makes me think there's more to it than just him covering for his brother. Unsubstantiated of course, but as usual it'll all come out and, I suspect, some have been doing a lot of covering up or knowing and allowing him to continue on TV much like Saville and other famous TV stars.
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