Olympus Digi Cameras any good?

29 Sep 2004
on the road
Never bought a digi camera before, so basically I'm after a fairly cheap but decent one. I can get a Olympus FE-100 locally for 70 quid and was wondering if this would be handy for taking the odd family pics etc.
Thanks for the input Lostkat, startup and shutter lag mean nothing to me LoL, I just needed a bit of advice if it would be worth the money or if I shoild be looking at a different make but shelling out a similar amount of money.
Thanks for your input Steve and I can understand what your saying, and somewhat agree, but as regards clear pictures etc, I would have thought that any digital camera today produces clearer/nicer pictures than on any 70's/80's cheapo cameras of the past that I have had

As I said, I'm not into photography in any big way at all, just want to be able to take some fairly decent Family snaps etc.
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