Omega 3 Supplements

13 Nov 2006
Anyone else take Omega 3 supplements?

Started taking pure cod liver oil in liquid form as it has higher doses of the important acids EPA and DHA. Taste doesn't really bother me, just hold your nose :)

Whats best Capsules or Liquid?

I take liquid for now.

I also read that in liquid form, once the top has been opened the oil can be oxigenised and lose some of it's effectiveness. Probably the only plus point of capsules is that they all stay fresh.

To those taking capsules, have a look at the EPA/DHA mg per capsule, because most only have around 240mg per cap. It is recommended you get at least 1000mg a day and you can't really take more capsules as you will probably OD on the other vitamins, so look for the extra strength ones.

It's probably placebo, but since I've been taking this, I'm not aching as much and my joints feel much more loose.
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